
Where in India I will get high power sleeping pills to do suicide?

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I want to do suicide. So let me know high power sleeping pills.?

Till yet I fight with my problems painfully but it is now irresistable. Now I wanna kill myself and put the full stop on that. There are numerous way like jump from skyscrappers, firebath, hang the body, fired by gun & stand up on railway track and waiting for superfast train to come but all are very very painful. But the easiest way is taking sleeping pills.

Anyone let me know which sleeping pills are high power that will kill myself with much surity???? And tell that is available in India.

Otherwise I have to peak the difficult one that is so painful. Atleast dont make my life so miserable at the time of death. Please make me aware with high power sleeping pills available in India. I have only two days for wait around.




  1. dont commit sucide everyone has bad times in life but life always gets better just think about all the ppl that wilol b effected your friends and family wud feel horrible  

  2. hey what do you think of yourself yuh!!!before taking any harsh and idiotic decision please listen to the problems that i face in my life.after going through you will find that how small your problem is and how blessed you are.i have fits. from the childhood i have been attacked so many times.after i get the attack it pains like anything.but still i want to live my life .because i know one day or the other i will become heathy like you.not only that i have skin problems.daily iam taking atleast 10 tablets to cure myself.iam a god fearing person. i believe in god.i know someday or the other he will cure me. have you seen your house falling down fully in front of your eyes ?but i saw.the house i grew up fall fully.and i was shocked to see that but till i live inshadows of other why because i know one day or the other god will solve all my you know how much it hurts when you are not financially independent but iam going through it still i know that god will help in what ever i do and he will be with me in what ever decision i take.i can list so many problems that i face ,these are some examples.i want to tell you only one thing please dont compare yourself with those people who are in a higher position than you ,please compare yourself to people who are in a little lower postion than are blessed with a good health,family,friends and a good environment.please make full use of it and enjoy your faithful in god he will never let you down .take care and never think of a suicide attempt again.

  3. What are your irresistible problems? Let's try to solve them together. Write me to PM. Let's talk a little. Suicide will not escape.

  4. I dont want to give any advice. Because you are enough young to understand this is wrong way to come out from any dem problem...

    If you are really strong than you have to face all the probelm. You have to think about your family, friend, love every body love you so much.

    I dont know where you can buy this short cut.


  5. Friend , if you are not joking----PLEASE DONT DO IT.

    life is full of pain i agree, but you have to fight till your end against it,and dont let it conquere you, if you are opting to commite sucide that means your are giving up, please dont give up your fight. when there is nothing there is hope, which you are not finding right now,but still there is hope and you must find it.

    Talk to friend, make friend here,dont keep more expectation on ppls, just do your role, and dont expect fruits, you will surely find happiness

    Just deleate these question and put question asking how to live,instead of how to die.

    May God Bless you , and lead you to good future.


  6. Not a good idea to do anything remotely close to that. Work hard, be sensible and prudent, build your life and enjoy it. You know Rome was not built in a day.

  7. I would like to know the exact problem....if a person like me who is suffering from Parkinson is living and trying to earn some money for the career my chance to step up is is pain to visit places, go out for movie, restaurant....In my office I hold the walls and walk...I never thought of commiting suicide....WHY YOU?

    If you really want to die like a insect please take sulphos

  8. dude if u wanna die dont advertise ok.

    y u want high power sleeping pills, ppl like u who dont value life can take the cheap rat poison or better yet drink a ltr of Shell Super Unleaded(thats nearly 60Rs)

    * to all people who suggest him not to do suicide - its his life n he has the right to death.

  9. Hey boss!!!!!

    Please read this

    Please read this

    I know how are you feeling now, I was at your stage before 3 months and that was because of long trouble which happen in early 2004, count the years I have spent.............. You know brother.......I even know name of such pills which I searched for the same purpoe & that is handy to get....I would love to tell you dont do that.

    Troubles are too short to defeat us even if it is of LOVE than love should be more than your trouble, you should be here to love the person whom you love............If money is matter than you are not the only one..........& believe me Leaving life is DIFFICULT than commiting sucide even in painful manner like firebath.

    Today you might be passing your days & nights in lots of pain, maight wetting your pillow with TEARS still this is lovely gift of God as all are not able to do that or suffer such pain, isn't it?

    I am sure non of your friends or relatives would have been able to carry such painful days & see you are still doing this, that is why you are great my brother..........This earth needs people like you, ask your heart why he wants to leave this body as spirits are im-mortal

    Please open your arm & give a hug to your trouble even they need love..........

    Dont see how big the trouble is, show the trouble how big your beloved God is..............

    Tell your worries that today all the person who has answered me has prayed for me and for are near to say good-bye to ME

    And Even if you end up life after 50 years achieving nothing than remember your whole hearted efforts you made to not to commite Sucide

    Victory is not the only thing we have born for, Even deafet has Dignity.....Learn that passion

  10. Please don't commit suicide.. I'm sure whatever  your problem is, there is definitely a solution to it. Try looking for the solutions to your problems instead of the sleeping pills.

    Try talking to a good friend or someone whom you trust..Do not take such rash decisions. Life can be a bit of a challenge sometimes, but we have go accept it and move on..Sure, there will be a way out of your problems. Think of all the people you love and all the people who love you and your importance in their life.

    Resorting to failure is easy my friend, but you have to be a fighter here.

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