
Where in India am I from?

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I'm 6' tall. Birthname is Purnima Montu.





  2. if u dont knw whr ru 4rm...den how other people can knw....

  3. looks like ur bruhmin pandit

    and wtf u dont need to mention you are 6 or 5 feet

    does it matter

    buddu kahi keh

  4. check with ur dad,or yr grandparents

  5. i dont think u be from north india.

  6. information you have provided ......... explains the need to find out your identity..... it is touching ......may god enlighten your path ...... past is lost....... present you know ..... future you will create... let the creation be beautiful....  you have good height .. a considerate family..... and brilliant mind .create something which is equally worth ...... best of luck

  7. hi --one clue of origins would be a last name --- Montu -- I'm not sure...can only hazard a guess... W.Bengal/Orissa ...maybe?  Perhaps your adoptive parents can say where they adopted you any case they are ones who can give you more info since they should have some papers... and you can begin a search with that info....regards, take care.

  8. bengali

  9. Your title Montu and height of 6' suggest a Punjabi origin.

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