
Where in Mexico did the Mexican Revolution occur?

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Thank you for answering my question. I needed to know for a report I have to do. THANKS TO YOU ALL!!!




  1. It affected just about everywhere in Mexico where there were people.  It wasn't a localized event.

  2. Mexican Revolution started in year 1910 to aprox 1917 all over Mexico.  It was started by Francisco Madero against dictator President Porfirio Diaz.

    Madero became President of Mexico from 1910 till he was killed in 1913.

    Lady LL does not know what she says.  Texas was taken by USA in 1846. 1848.     It has nothing to do with the Mexican Revolution in 1910.

  3. Joelouhabana is right, it was all over Mexico, but the most intensive fights were in the state of Morelos, Edo de Mexico, Chihuahua and the region known as el Bajío, Zacatecas, Durango, Sonora an Coahuila,

    Big cities were not  under heavy attack

    In the case of Chihuahua and Morelos there is very little what is left from Haciendas  from that period almost all of them are in ruins.

  4. If your talking the 1700 to 1800's , Texas took a good part of Mexico. Look into the Texas history.

  5. Hi, this is in spanish but it points to the important places where the mexican revolution took place, hope it helps.

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