
Where in Scotland is the best place to bring up our kids?

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Will be moving up to Scotland soon because of work but we can chose anywhere at all to live, we are looking at Perth or Inverness, trying to avoid the big cities..

Any suggestions please, you know, schools, crime and so on.. thanks




  1. "its quite qaunt & old fashioned up there."

    First of all, it's spelt 'quaint'. Secondly, you've never been to Scotland, have you? Only the most unimaginably stupid person would think that Scotland is old fashioned. We're a part of the UK, from the financial centre of Edinburgh, to the oil capital of Europe, Aberdeen. We produce more oil than Kuwait every year.

    Ahem. To the questioner. I would go for Perth, as it has a nicer climate and is closer to Glasgow and Edinburgh for shopping and so on. However, I'd really recommend Edinburgh or Aberdeen. Edinburgh is a beautiful city, with a huge amount of history. Aberdeen has been going through an oil boom for the last thirty years, so is very wealthy and prosperous.

  2. stay in england your not welcome in scotland

  3. if your english & are going to scotland it will be like stepping back in time by at least ten years. even though we give them billions & billions of our money every year it is still years behind england, in terms of infrastructure,etc.

    but good luck, its quite qaunt & old fashioned up there.

  4. the highlands!!

    kidding, perth is nice. its a good city, feels quite friendly. its quite easy to get to st andrews and teh beach too. you can get to the lomonds as well.

    dont go to glasgow, my aunt used to live there and she got burgled so much. and theyll eat you for being english.

  5. England,

    The Scots Dislike the English, Good Luck though,

  6. well i am 14 and i have been brought up in  north ayshire but i would say any small towns with lots of activities and a beach would be the best place for u to bring up a kid KEEP AWAY FROM BIG CITIES LIKE GLASGOW

  7. In England

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