
Where in history has the climate not been changing?

by  |  earlier

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just looking at this graph and i don't see a time in history where the climate was not changing, so i have to ask, if earth was not experiencing climate change, would that not be the real problem?




  1. climate continually changes so it has never stopped just slowed down at times that is why things continually change to adapt

  2. Never.  But this is not a natural change.  It's being caused by us, and it threatens us with serious harm, mostly economic.

    "If the Earth came with an operating manual, the chapter on climate might begin with a caveat that the system has been adjusted at the factory for optimum comfort, so don't touch the dials."

  3. Oh no, it always has been changing but this time, I mean this time it is "different."  LOL

  4. The climate changes constantly but not as fast as it has been changing of late.

  5. Looking at your graphs, it seems we're about due for a down-turn. Aided and abetted by our actions, the down-turn could be too fast for us to adapt.

    If the nay-sayers are right, Whoopee!.

    if they're wrong, they'll probably have time to say, "Oops!" That should be satisfying.

  6. Climate is gonna change. It's NATURE, GET OVER IT!

  7. you know i challenged someone that same question and i got  my answer deleted . lol . i agree with you , and didn't you know its on holiday because its been colder this year . :)

  8. Tuba - you are too funny.  I always waste time trying to respond with reasonable evidence, but you are much better at getting to the heart of the issue.

    No one cares if the climate has changed in the past.  Clearly it has.  What people are concerned with is the current change (most likely human caused) that will have some detrimental effects on both human society and other species on the planet.  

    We've done an incredible job of developing civilization over the past 5,000 years, but that development is based on a fairly stable climate.  Serious changes one direction or the other could be quite challenging for us.


    It´s like asking "what is big ?"....    on which scale? compared  to an ant or an elephant?

    Unless you answer this, you will not receive a scientific valid answer.

    FACT: We are increasing CO2 concentrations 10 to 15 times faster than what the maximum speed of increase has ever been in our records (over hundreds of thousands of years ice layers).

    We emitt now over 30 Gt per year of greenhouse gases.

  10. There has never been a time when the earth has been without radioactive nucleotides.  That does not imply that high concentrations of them in our air or drinking water would be normal.  Well, except to the DENIER/skeptics.

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