
Where in scripture?

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does it list the acceptable Bacteria /chloroform levels in the baptismal tank I cant seem to find it…You have to be safe and biblical you know




  1. I belive you mean coliform ( like E.coli )..NOT the trihalomethane , chloroform, CHCl3. Anyway....some baptize in rivers and other bodies of water.....perhaps they have a hankering for cryptosporidium, or vibrio vulnificus, of entamoeba histolytica....but the Christian scientists will use prayerful antibiotics ......

  2. I'm pretty sure it doesn't specify that anywhere in the scripture. This is likely due to the fact that they thought bacteria were evil demons that caused possession and chloroform was probably not even known about. I think it would be safe to say that they would have said zero is the correct level of evil demons/bacteria and chloroform in the baptismal tank.
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