
Where in the Bible does it say you shouldn't date someone who is already in a relationship?

by  |  earlier

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Or the Quoran or the Origin of Species or whatever.

(I don't mean married, bcoz that would be adultery.)

There seem to be all these rules that people go by, but no-one seems to know where they come from.

I asked this under other categories but maybe a sociologist can answer it. Where do these "rules" come from?




  1. In the bible there is not dating.  

    It's called respect for the person or other person.

  2. There wasn't such a thing as being in a relationship and not being married in The Bible. They didn't date or court.

    These "rules" are things that we created, things that we live by. Dating someone already in a relationship kind of defeats the purpose of having relationships.

  3. People didn't date in biblical times. They were either married or they weren't.

  4. As far as I know there is not a rule that says "You cannot date someone already in a relationship."  It is just social rules that dictate not to.  If you were dating someone and some other women came in and tried to steal your boyfriend from you wouldn't you be upset?

  5. There is no such rule other than the rule imposed by society itself.  It really depends on what you mean by relationship.  Being friends with someone is a form of a relationship and there is certainly nothing wrong with dating someone else's friend.


  6. . 'Rules' come from trial and error. If an action hurts most of the society that you're living in, there'll be a rule or Law against it.

    If you're breaking up an established relationship, that disrupts society a little, and it's frowned upon.

  7. This would be covered by the "Thou shall not covet thy neighbours wife" commandment...

    There wasn't really such a thing as a relationship then; You were either married or not... They'd probably have stoned the woman if she wasn't married to him.

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