
Where in the UK can i buy the brand of 'Death Cigarettes'?

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Where in the UK can i buy the brand of 'Death Cigarettes'?




  1. There are cheaper ways to die than cigarettes, and much more fun.

  2. In my oppinion ALL cigarettes are called DEATH,

    so i guess you can buy them from most newsagents!!!!

  3. i saw only their packs, and they do look really cool, i would like to have a couple of them to my collection,whatch out this site you can write to the guys may be they will advice you where to buy them.

  4. any store!!! They all lead to death!

    Death (cigarette)

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Death was a brand of cigarette introduced in the United Kingdom in 1991 by entrepreneur BJ Cunningham, who established a company calling itself The Enlightened Tobacco Company. The packaging was black and featured a white skull and crossbones above the mandatory Government health warning. It marketed itself as the only brand that was completely honest about the dangers of cigarette smoking.

    The company created a tax arbitrage scheme offering cigarettes from Luxembourg to UK smokers, and allowed customers to buy its products by mail order, thus paying Luxembourg tobacco duty instead of higher UK taxes. The European Court of Justice eventually ruled in favour of the UK Customs and Excise, who insisted that customers had to personally transport the goods into the UK to avoid paying duties at the point of entry. This ruling effectively put an end to the Enlightened Tobacco Company, but Death lives on in select markets.

    The Enlightened Tobacco Company was dissolved on 14 September 1999

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