
Where in the UK is this accent from?

by Guest67319  |  earlier

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Sorry, it was an English accent and just the "th" sounds that were different. So "together" was still "togethER", but more like "togevver"




  1. anyone in the working class speaks like that, me from the midlands, vat is normal

  2. Sounds like a london accent to me!

  3. I dont think it was an accent. By the sounds of it it's just an uneducated way of speaking. Many youths are lazy when they speak.

  4. It could be anywhere- like someone else said, it's just a style of slang.

    It's like saying 'innit' or 'dem' instead of them.

    Did they say 'togevor' or 'togever'? Because the 'or' sound for 'er' would be an easier way of deciphering their accent.

  5. What part of the UK?

    The UK is England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland,

    We could help you better if you told us where they Scottish, English etc

  6. I don't think it's any particular accent. It's just a lazy way of talking. Here in Yorkshire we have an accent but people, especially youngsters often talk like that.

    I'll admit it annoys the h**l out of me lol.

    A group of kids got onto my bus just before the end of said something along the lines of.." Ahhret uh t' adges"

    I'm stumped!


    Same sentence (if you can call it that) was repeated..

    It turned out that he wanted 'A half return to Arch Bishops School'!

    See? Just pure laziness!

  7. I won't call this as an Accent . sorry.

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