
Where in the bay area can I take my mini DV tapes to be transfered to DVD?

by  |  earlier

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I have about 8 hours worth of mini DV tapes that I want transfered to DVD. I plan to give it to may parents as an anniversary gift so I want it to be of exceptional quality. Anyone know of a good place?




  1. I've tried various places throughout the bay with vastly different results. I first have to say DO NOT send your footage to Yes Video!! I made this mistake once and grossly over paid for a very inferior product. I did find a place in Hayward called Denevi Digital Imaging that does an amazing job.  I sent my super 8 film in to be transfered to DVD and the product I recieved looked even better then the original footage I sent in! I know they work with mini DV and many other formats as well so I would deffinatly go through them! If your not close to Hayward you can drop of your tapes at your nearest Walmart or Sam's Club as they send all of their work to Denevi's. Hope that helps you out!

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