
Where in the book To Kill a Mocking bird does it talk about the half black and half white people?

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Where in the book To Kill a Mocking bird does it talk about the half black and half white people?




  1. it talks about that during the trial when scout and dill go outside because dill cant handle the trial and they find Mr. Dolphu Raymond  outside drinking coke (which everyone thinks is alcohol) and they talk about his children who are half white and black.

  2. Mel's right - Mr. Dolphus Raymond is married to a "colored woman" and has mixed children, much to Scout's bafflement. Mr. Raymond is important because of his lack of prejudice in Maycomb, where almost everyone is prejudiced (except for a choice few, like Atticus or Miss Maudie, for example).

    I just thought I'd add that my English teacher also pointed out the snowman as important in the white-black comparison. Remember how Jem makes a mudman first, then coats it with snow? There are several ways of interpreting it . . . the most common involves the name - something to do with it being a hermaphrodite - and the combination of colors. The hermaphrodite part apparently summarizes the mix of the two culture. The mud under snow implies that black people are forced to submit to white culture.

    There are other ways to interpret it; it's a good object to analyze. I just thought I'd mention it. Sorry I'm not more help, but I was notorious for falling asleep in classes.

  3. I bow to Mel's knowledge of the text; but to the extent that the black half of half black/half white people is the half that shows, the whole thing applies to them. Ask Barak!

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