
Where in the catholic bible does it say homosexuality...?

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is wrong(or something of the lines of that)?

like i've hear it says its wrong,

its a sin,

etc..... I just wanna know what it really says about homsexuality and where I can find it in the catholic bible.




  1. in genesis the story of Sodom but it's actually based on a mistranslation see : yahoo answers what does god think of homosexuals?, so dont pay it any attention

  2. The word "homosexual" was not coined until the late Nineteenth Century.  So if your Bible refers to "homosexual," it's been changed by humans.

    Being g*y is not a sin and those who use a handful of verses to promote homophobia are basing their sin on mistranslations and misinterpretation of God's Word.

    Christ tells us that "whosoever believes in Him will have eternal life." He does not say, "Whichever heterosexual believes...." Since Christ never condemned g*y people or condoned homophobia, I'll side with Christ on this issue rather than a bunch of angry, anti-g*y activists trying to justify the homophobia in their own hearts.

  3. 12 " 'If a man sleeps with his daughter-in-law, both of them must be put to death. What they have done is a perversion; their blood will be on their own heads.

    13 " 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

    14 " 'If a man marries both a woman and her mother, it is wicked. Both he and they must be burned in the fire, so that no wickedness will be among you.  

  4. Gen. 1 & 2 - we see from the beginning that the complimentarity of the sexes reflects God's inner unity and His creative power and Fatherhood. God created man and woman to become one flesh which is consummated in the act of marital love.

    Gen. 2:18 – throughout the creation story, God says “it is good” seven times. But when God pointed out that man was alone, God says “it is not good.” God then created woman. Man and woman therefore belong together by God’s design, according to His natural and supernatural law.

    Gen. 2:24 – God created man and woman so that they could share communion. This communion is consummated in the marital act (which must be between a man and a woman). This communion is also a reflection of the eternal communion of the Blessed Trinity, who created man in His own image and likeness.

    Gen. 19:24-28 - the Lord rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah as punishment for the sin of homosexuality. Homosexuality perverts God’s covenant with humanity.

    Gen 13:13; 18:20: while homosexuals argue that the sin in Genesis 19 was the sin of “inhospitality,” these verses show that the Sodomites were evil and wicked people before the alleged sin of inhospitality. That is because the Sodomites were guilty of homosexuality, not inhospitality. In fact, 2 Pet 2:6:8 says that Lot witnessed their evil sexual practices “day after day.” The Sodomites’ sin was daily and pervasive.

    Gen 19:5: this confirms that the Sodomites’ sin is homosexuality. Here, the Sodomites mistaken the two angels for men and, surrounding Lot’s house, ask to have s*x with them. When the yell to Lot “bring them out that we may know them,” the Hebrew for “to know” (yadah) in Gen 19:5 means having sexual relations. See, for example, Gen 4:25 where “yadah” refers to sexual relations between Adam and Eve.

    2 Pet 2:6-10: Peter also proves that the Sodomites were guilty of homosexuality. He says God condemned them for “licentiousness” and “lust of defiling passion,” which is where we get the title “Sodomite” for a homosexual. The Greek “aselgeia anastrophes” for lustful behavior is also found in Rom 13:13; Gal 5:19; Eph 4:19 and Jude 4.

    Jude 7: Jude also confirms the Sodomites’ sin is homosexuality. Jude says they “indulged in unnatural lust” (Greek, ekporneusasai) and went after “strange flesh” (Greek, sarkos heteras) in reference to their homosexual sins.

    2 Peter 2:4-6: Peter also reveals that the Sodomites are suffering in h**l for their sins by comparing the Sodomites’ punishment to the eternal punishment of the evil angels. Just as God did not spare the angels when they sinned but cast them into h**l, so He did the same with the Sodomites when He “condemned them to extinction and made them an example to those who were to be ungodly.”

    Jude 5-7: Like Peter, Jude confirms that the Sodomites are in h**l by saying that they had the same fate as the evil angels. Jude says just as the evil angels were condemned to h**l, the Sodomites “likewise” (Greek, hos) acted immorally and are undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. “Undergoing” (Greek, upechousai) is a present participle which means their suffering is ongoing. See also the clear polarity between those who are saved (v.5) and those who are condemned (vv. 6-7,11,13).

    Lev. 18:22, 29 - God commands a man never to lie with a male as with a female, or he will be cut off. This refers to supernatural death which is eternal separation from God. While the Old Covenant laws have been abrogated by the New Covenant, the Church has adopted their moral principles. Thus, the moral prohibitions on homosexuality still apply in the New Covenant, as Peter, Paul and Jude demonstrate.

    Lev. 20:13 - God says that if a man lies with another man, he shall be put to death. From the very beginning, God has revealed that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered, unhealthy, and mortally sinful.

    Deut. 22:5 - cross-dressing is also considered an abomination before God.

    Matt. 19:6 - after referring to God's divine plan for man and woman, Jesus says a husband and wife become one flesh, which ultimately reflects God's union with humanity through the Church. Homosexual unions pervert this divine truth of God’s love for and union with the human race.

    Rom. 1:26 - also, when a woman lies with another women (lesbianism), this is unnatural and a perversion. God wants His children to be pure and holy as He is holy. Paul condemns all homosexual acts, whether committed by men or women.

    Rom. 1:27 – Paul calls the practice of homosexuality shameless, unnatural and a perversity. It is contrary to the natural law, as it eviscerates the life-giving aspect of human sexuality and reduces it to a selfish, pleasure-seeking end.

    1 Cor 6:9: Paul teaches that sodomites will not enter into the kingdom of God. The Greek word for “sodomite” (arsenokoites) literally means “male copulation” or “male sexual relations.” The Greek “arsen” means “male” and “koites” means “coitus” or “

  5. Leviticus18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. 23 Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.

    This is New King JAmes bible I thought Catholics used the same Bible as everyone else for the most part ?

    You can have homosexual feelings and not act on them and still get into heaven.  I feel if a g*y person is saved they will try hard not to break this law. Just as I try  not to lie, or hate, or be angry with people.  Or just as a heterosexual person does not have s*x out of marriage.  It is a sin, all sins are the same but if you go out with the intention to do it and not be sorrowful for it in your heart you will not be forgiven.  So I guess if people are g*y and deny themselves like other Christians do than they can still be saved.

  6. I think it says it near the part where the bible tells you to drink the blood of your enemies.

  7. 1 Cor 6:9

  8. I think they use the same arguments in the protestent churches...

    Lev. 18:22

    Romans 1:22-23

    (I guessed the verses, it should be in that area)

    I don't think it's a sin though...

  9. I don't remember the quote but it said to kill any homosexual with a stone. The bible is full of nonsense.

  10. Who cares?  People wrote the Bible, translated it many times to fit their view of the word, and then sold it to the weak minded.  But I'm one person who will never buy into that kind of hate speech.  What kind of fool readily believes and preaches from a book filled with slander?

  11. Well.....since it wasn't originally written in English the translation may be quite different than most common.

    One translation I read said that it is an abomination for two men to have s*x in a pagan temple while engaging in a pagan rite.

  12. Probably at the part where god said that he created adam, and Eve

    though some might have read it as Adam and Steve.

    but hey, im just a muslim, how would i know?

  13. In addition to what has already been mentioned, see Lev 20:13


    If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives.

    That's a quote directly from the official Roman Catholic Bible for America.

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