
Where in the constitution of the United States does it say...

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...that a woman can have an abortion? The United States should not sponsor the murder of innocent children.




  1. The right to abortion is an ancient and natural right. No government in the world has ever been able to bring it to a total end. As long as wormen are raped, drugged, cheated upon, lied to, or mistreated in any way, there will be abortion. You stop the sexual mistreatment of women first, and I might listen to your insanity. It is only fair that a woman have control of her body. Anything else is an act of male domination and an act of oppresive government. I swear if you outlaw abortion it will do no good especially as long as there are other men that do not agree with your facist thoughts.

    As far as the U.S. Constitution is concerned, it cannot ever be ammended to make abortion unlawful. (Natural rights are never unlawful, only laws declaring natural rights unlawful are unlawful.) And that is for good reason. "Prolife" is short for "promurder". It is a mathematical fact that those who are pro life kill 12 kids for each fetus they "save". It is also a fact that a pro lifer cannot have s*x without causing the abortion of a fetus.

    You need to read the abortion history section of the Roe v Wade ruling of the Supreme Court. The ruling was based on one right of the people, there are numerous other rights that cover abortion. If Roe v Wade is overturned it will simply be an unjust opinion that will lead to death and destruction of human life in the resulting war. Is that what you want? Humans know more now than when Roe v Wade was handed down. We know now that being pro life is a fantasy and that rather than saving life, it causes death. Abortion that saves lives--- my friend-- is worth fighting for.  

  2. They're not a child until they're outside of the womb and a viable self-supporting (IE - can breath for themselves and digest their own food) organism that does not need a biological connection to a host.

    When they're inside the womb, they're a fetus and scientifically fall under the category of a parasite.

    And yes...I'm a Republican and I am Pro-Choice.

  3. it's not murder, it's an abortion.


    1. transitive verb remove fetus: to remove an embryo or fetus from the womb in order to end a pregnancy.

  4. The constitution does not say that.

    A landmark case called Roe Vs Wade is the ruling precedent of the abortion laws.

    The link below will explain to you what was the reason they were in court (the issues), what the judges said (the ruling) and why they said it.  

  5. Well said, Mark V  however, it was the FEDERAL Supreme Court In Roe vs Wade that said any laws prohibiting abortion were "Unconstitutional" based upon a lousy reading of the "search and seizure" clause.  The SCOTUS "found" (moreover sewed from whole cloth) a so-called "right to privacy."  So, although I completely agree with you that the 10th Amendment is the only germain part of the Constitution in this case, until Roe v Wade is overturned, the states will not have their rightful say on the issue.

  6. where does it say they can't?

  7. An objective look shows that there is nothing in the constitution that can be reasonably construed to allow a women to have an abortion committed on her child.

    That being said, the 1973 Roe v. Wade & Doe v Bolton Supreme Court decisions found such a right in the constitution and combined to allow abortion throughout the entire pregnancy, for any reason.

  8. The Constitution does not say that a woman cannot have an abortion.  If the Constitution does not specifically prohibit something, or if it does not spell out a certain function to the government (either states or to the national government), then whatever it is is allowed.

    The only way that the practice of abortion can be completely banned in the United States is to either amend the Constitution or to have the Supreme Court rule it illegal.  Until then, under the way the Framers structured the Constitution, the practice is allowed.

  9. The 9th amedment states that you have rights not enumerated in the constitution.  The 10th prohibits banning abortion unless by another amendment.  'Morally' speaking, since the 9th amendment says you have rights not specifically listed, a reasonable person can assume privacy is one of them.  Remember the constitution does not give power to the people, it limits the power of the government.

  10. your answer is explained clearly in the Roe v. Wade decision.


    > Morals should also play a part in dictating laws.

    well, that is a really poor reading of the intent of the framers. I am currently reading the first hand sources documenting the constituional convention in philadelphia, 1787. Mostly written by james madison from his notes. this is not an issue thaty comes up and carries any weight at all, that the "morals" of a subgroup of the population should carry the day politically.

    In fact, they all realized quite the opposite, based on the years of experience with the articles of congress before, and their experience setting up state governments, that mob rule, or even rule of the majority, was not what they were after. they wanted the government to reflect a variety of voices at a variety of levels, and to have those voices filtered and subject to checks and balances, and only then would the results be something that would stand the test of time.

    you don't have to believe me on that, but I recommend you read all the papers yourself, they are online, and usually coupled with the federalist and anti-Federalist papers, which arose during the ratification period.

    you would come of as far more credible if you read the first hand works instead of asserting that you are right when you clearly are not.

  11. it does not

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