
Where in the world does all this pee come from?

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Ok, I drink a bottle of water around 7pm, every 30 min. after that im in the bathroom actually peeing. I hate waking up so much!!!!!

Btw-im 41 wks pregnant.....

I just wonder how can I have so much freaking pee???? lol...




  1. You have a significantly higher volume of blood while you're pregnant, and since urine is a waste by-product of the blood being filtered through the kidneys, you are producting more urine.

    In addition, your bladder volume is restricted by the pregnancy, so you'll go more often because it doesn't have as much opportunity to fill up before you feel the urge to empty it.

  2. You know, I'm only 13 weeks and I wonder the same thing, my bladder is working overtime, I seriously pee double the amount that I used to. It is so annoying.

  3. your forgetting the basics of the body,when you are pregent and the baby is growing the uterus is pressing down on all organs,including the bladder.

  4. your baby may have dropped, therefore pushing down and making you pee more frequently. i always hated this-you feel like you have to go so badly and then u sit down and one little drop comes out!  

  5. It's due to pressure on the bladder..

  6. well your baby is pushing on your bladder which makes you go a lot more often than usual

  7. The baby resting on your bladder gives you the sensation of having to pee, even when your bladder isn't nearly very full.

    Also you might have been retaining water and your body is getting rid of some of it in preparation for the baby's delivery.  

    41 weeks, wow! Good luck to you. Your little one will be here any moment!~

  8. im 13 weeks and i can pee like 6 times in 15 cause baby is pushing on youre bladder its normal....and very inconvenient when i have a really busy day and have to stop at every gas station and pee every 5 mins.

  9. Your baby is laying on your bladder, so every drip you have inside it, gets squeezed out! i used to go all the time too.. after sitting down from going to the loo, id need it again! hope it goes well

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