
Where in the world would you love to visit?

by  |  earlier

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or vistes before, want to go back??





  1. wow,i'd want to visit all the capitals of the countries in Europe,especially Transylvania,it's so mysterious and filled with history,and i'd wanna visit Venice,Paris also.

  2. I just got back from Thailand, and it was one of the best trips I've ever done. (The smaller places, I disliked Bangkok greatly). It offers a great variety of stuff to do, and you can do it all because it's so affordable there. Definitely a trip that I won't ever forget! Here's the link for the tour I did!

  3. would love to go everywhere , but have a few places like vietnam, tonga, hawaii, zanzibar and bali

    just wish i had the means to get there lol.....any offers

  4. England,

  5. I would love to visit every capital city of every country.

  6. I want to do all of the continents. That is my goal but I am not succeeding yet. I loved Africa. We went on a Safari in Kenya. I also loved Iceland. They were both incredible.

  7. Japan

  8. Heaven!

  9. st johns virgin island!

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