
Where in your home might you find a product that is made from an anima of the phylum porifera(although many of

by Guest32859  |  earlier

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Where in your home might you find a product that is made from an anima of the phylum porifera(although many of




  1. You are probably referring to sponges. Although I understand there are synthetic sponges as well.

  2. Technically, a sponge wouldn't be right.

    See, the sponges we use are shaped in a clone-like matter, it holds water and they're all equal size. BUT they're human made.

    If you're looking for a real animal, go to the aquarium. Though they do sell real sponge animals to be used as sponges, it's rare to find it in an average home.

  3. you might find them in the bathroom.

  4. The poriferans are the sponges. The kind of sponge sold in the supermarket won't be natural but if you have a nice loofah (also spelled luffa and loofa) in your bathroom, the kind sold at better bath stores and hot tub shops, there be a poriferan!

    Otherwise, marine aquaria are a likely location but if you run one of those you'd know that already ;-)

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