
Where is Bush & McCain now that 24,000 are forced out of their homes by floods?

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"Days after it rose out of its banks on its way to record flooding in Cedar Rapids, the Cedar River has forced at least 24,000 people from their homes, emergency officials said Saturday."

I bet it is because we don't have enough national guard since they are getting killed in Iraq. That's what we do with our kids... send them to Iraq to fight an unwinnable war.

Is this going to be another Katrina?

I wish Obama could be president today and fix all of this mess.




  1. Junior is on his way to England as we speak, John McSame I think is in New Hampshire, seeking votes, but then what can a Senator do, regardless of party affiliation?

  2. Bush is on a glory tour to countries that can't stand him, but who have to be nice to him for diplomatic reasons.

    Unfortunately, Obama wouldn't have been able to stop this flood and won't be able to stop the next flood, either. It's going to take the entire of his first term just to patch up the mess of 8 years of Bush neglecting infrastructure, and most of his second term to get things to the level that they would have been had Kerry been elected 4 years ago.

    Obama is going to be cleaning up Bush's mess for years to come.

  3. Hi,McCain is on the campain  trail avoiding all the flooding and destruction.The Prez. is on a European vacation, before he leaves office and has not the time to tour the U.S. grief stricken area`s.Like you say the National guard is in Iraq,so what are they going to do.Good Luck and God Bless America

  4. Celebrating McCain's birthday again like during Katrina?

    McCain said that Bush's leadership failed the victims of Katrina but it was latter found out that Bush was celebrating McCain's 69th birthday with him that day! lol

    I have never understood how national guard could be sent overseas but they have. So have boarder guards. But the US signed a treaty that allows the sharing of Canadian armies with the US in case of emergency.

    (NAU anyone?)

    I happen to not be an Obama fan myself but that does not mean I make excuses for the joke of a president Bush or the joke of a nominee McCain.

  5. What would you have them do, you uninformed moron?

    What would Obama do?

    It's a flood, stupid. It's an act of nature.

    Is this a ready made opportunity for idiots to hammer Bush again. Bush is done. You have drummed him out of office. What else do you want. Where will you direct your anger in 2009? Do you think you can let up on him then?

    I wish I could have an interview with you, years from now, when the history books vindicate George bush

  6. What is your Dem. congress doing?  The President cant do anything until the Governor of the state asks for help!!!

  7. LMAO!!!!!

    You think that the National Guard could save you from flooding waters? Do you think the NG can save you from attaking flood waters? LMAO!

    Obama can't fix a tire! And it says much about you that you put your faith in other ppl to bail you out rather than putting faith in yourself to help yourself!

  8. URKidding, right?! Why hasn't there been an outcry of support from the public as there was for Katrina? You can bet there aren't enough nation guard left to help but you'd lose. Maybe the governors of those states haven't called in the feds yet or maybe, just maybe there's nothing to be done until the water recedes.

    Notice how none of those flooded out and in shelters have been killing others in the shelters or raping girls going to the bathroom, like they did at the Superbowl? Huh, I wonder why that is? Where's Kanye West and his outpouring of outrage over this flood? I wonder why he doesn't seem to care now? How much have YOU contributed to the Red Cross for these victims? I bet you gave money to the Katrina victims, though. Why is that?

    And, considering how even ABC has reported that we are, in fact, WINNING the war in Iraq, you'd lose there, too. Obama isn't going to fix anything, pal, he's only going to make things much worse.

  9. The REAL question is:  Where are Governor "Blank Stare" Blanco and Mayor "Crazy Ray" Nagin (both Democrats like Obama) when their disaster-response expertise is clearly needed???!!!

    Seriously, the flooding in Iowa will not be "another Katrina" if only because this disaster is tiny by comparison. Like the CA fires last year, the flooding has captured the attention of the media, but the scope of the disaster is not 1/10th of 1% what happened during Katrina.

    To rukidding, news media reports of civil disorder in New Orleans after Katrina were grossly exaggerated.  That included the high-profile stories about the Superdome, where - in reality - the were  NO murders, NO babies were raped, and there were NO gun battles. There was plenty of bad news and I don't know why the media felt a need to make it up.

  10. I don't like bush either but what the h**l do you think he can do. i live in cedar rapids the national guard is everywhere.  same with Iowa city as well as other towns. there is no more they can do but wait it out. the national guard is doing a h**l of a job along with police departments and the fire departments along with all of the volunteers. what do you think obama could do to stop a f***ing river from flooding?

  11. No $hit, Obama would've been helping everyone by now. I can't wait till he becomes president and this world takes a 180* turn. Yes we can!

  12. Oh, just a minute, and I'll help him get a magic wand to fix the problem!  You don't have a clue, do you?

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