
Where is Caylee, what do you think?

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I have been watching Nancy Grace about the little 3 year old girl who is missing. For those of you who watch the show, what do you think happen to the little girl? The mom doesn't seem to upset. I would be a nervous wreck.




  1. I think Casey killed her in a fit of anger. According to reports Casey has a very bad temper and she went to her parents home, reversed her 4WD into her parents garage and then strangely borrowed a shovel from the neighbours because her parents garden tools were locked up in the shed. Also it took three weeks for her to report the child missing and she was clubbing and having fun all that time. Besides the cops have been digging around in the parents yard and kept her in prison until now and they never do things like that unless they have inside information. Its a matter of time before they find the body and Casey gets life. So sad.

  2. I think the mom killed the child. Its so sad that she would do something so disgusting to such a cute little girl.  

  3. well, remember hearing this and wonder if it is a lead:,2933,3892...

    these are all interesting ---

  4. I wanted to ask the same thing but I'm glad you did...I've been watching the show for about a month and a half now and I get so mad at Casey Anthony every time! She never sounds concerned on the phone..I also think that the list of clues speaks for itself:

    She waited a MONTH to call and inform police that Caylee was missing,she stole/borrowed a shovel and gasoline from her parents, she went out partying AFTER her daughter went missing, and she LIED to police about certain things like the apartment she said the babysitter lived at that was vacant for 5 months..Not to mention the stuff with the car..It all boils down to she KNOWS what happened to her daughter whether she did it or not..Ihope she thinks long and hard about what has happened because karma is a bi*ch and if she does have something to do with Caylees disappearance then it's coming back to bite her in the a**..I'd be devastated if my daughter went missing..Caylee-I hope you are ok and I wish you were home safe..

  5. I just asked the same thing...Where is Caylee? I can't figure out this case at all. I think Caylee somehow died in accident, and she just covered it up and kept living life kinda in denial. Until her mom kept asking where she was, and finally she came out with another lie. Everything she said was a lie. And thats because she knows she could go to prison for a very long time....

  6. Ive been glued to the news reports on this story... what has happened is sooo wrong... i think theres so much drama about it for a few reasons... the whole month that it took someone to report it, the changing stories on the grandmothers part and as u said, the absolute lack of emotion from the mother... there has to be something wong with her!  if my baby was missing for a day i'd be on the phone to the police.. shes definately not telling all she knows.  and i think her lawyer is an absolute idiot!!! have you seen the interviews hes done???  its like he hasnt even spoken to them about anything!!!!  i say blow the lawyer client confidentiality.. if he knows where caylee is he should speak up.. and if anyone knows where she is its him or her mother.. i hope they find her safe soon!

  7. The mother deff did something... I chances are the girls dead I can't bare to think that though Caylee is adorable and I could never harm a girl as adorable as that

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