
Where is Caylee Anthony?

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and why isnt anyone (grandparents, "babysitter", friends) crying? Why is everyone acting so suspicious? Why would anyone believe the stories? Did her neighbors ever get interviewed? This seems so suspicious and its getting out of hand. Of course I only know what the media is putting out so im sure its not a reliable source...




  1. Yes they did interview a few neighboors/freinds and they acted the same way and defended her! The entire family needs to stop communicating with her..

    Why did the grandma want custody and NOW shes saying what a good mom she is..? She not telling it all

  2. I think something bad happened to Caylee, and her mother is responsible. I don't think Caylee is alive by now. It very well may be that the mother has a mental illness that led her to do whatever she did.

    I think the Grandmother called 911 to report her granddaughter missing, and then backpedaled when she realized that her daughter (the mother) might be involved.

  3. Well, I think that fact that the mother (Casey), didn't report her daughter missing until Caylee's grandmother insisted on seeing Caylee pretty much tell us the story, especially when you add in the mega partying Casey was doing while her little girl was supposedly "missing".  I don't know where she buried her, if she fed her little body to alligators or what, but no mother who had a child missing would behave like this.  Casey's parents are just in denial, who wants to believe they raised a monster?

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