
Where is Dubai situated and is it a city or country standing alone.?

by  |  earlier

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I got a job in Dubai and would like to know for those who know about Dubai were it is situated and it is a good idea to go and work that far. I would well want to know if it will not close chances for me to come back to my country at least yearly to see my parents, relatives, friends and my wife.

Please kindly help as l require adiquate information before l may leave.




  1. Dear

    This question is going on for many weeks here in yahoo answers, you can find many answers of this question.

    Anyhow, UAE is comprising of 7 emirates and Dubai is an emirate out of the 7. Well, UAE is the country and Abu Dhabi is the Capital of this Country, Dubai is second largest economy in UAE.

    You didn't mentioned your home coountry name, so that it is impossible to tell you that how long it will take to go back to your country, and how ofter the flight services are available. Anyhow, from Dubai Airport, flights available almost all locations in the world.

    If your company offering annual ticket, you can go home by using that ticket, otherwise you can purchase and go.


  2. Dubai is located right next door to Saudi Arabia.  The country is made up of abut 70% from other countries (expacts), so many many people work here and are away from their families also.  Is it too far away?  Only you can answer that.  Your employer should me giving you a flight home once a year.  Make sure it is in your contract.  You will only be seeing your wife once a year, will you be ok with this?  Unless the money is like three times your current salary, I wouldn't come.  Dubai is a great place to live if you make heaps of money, otherwise life can be rough.  Good Luck!!

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