
Where is Micheal Phelps' father?

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I have watched all of Micheal Phelps 2008 gold medal swims live and have noticed as I am sure everyone has that his mother and two sisters are always there and shown many times on camera. I was wondering where his father is during all this because it seems like something that he should be at. I know Phelps' parents are divorced but is Micheal and his father estranged or is there some other explanation. Thanks.




  1. Fair or not, nosy or simply curious, I think people back in the United States are watching Michael Phelps nightly on NBC and making note of the many shots they see of Debbie Phelps cheering from the stands. The omission is probably striking to some: We see Michael's mom, but what about dad?

    Brief background: Fred and Debbie separated for good in 1993, and the divorce was finalized the next year, when Michael was 9. By all accounts, Fred Phelps wasn't an everyday figure in his children's lives for much of Phelps' adolescence. In my column yesterday, I mentioned that Phelps' older sisters, Hilary and Whitney, both played pivotal roles in his development, not just as a swimmer but as a young man.

    They did reconcile with their father several years ago but have since drifted apart again. Fred Phelps was in Greece. He is not in Beijing. When I asked his daughters in the weeks leading up to these Olympics whether their father would be attending, they each said, "I don't know."

    Our Sun colleague, Childs Walker, spoke with Fred Phelps this week to request an interview. Fred thought about it, and I think he probably handled the request as well as he could. He declined, saying he didn't want to take away from his son's accomplishments by delving into the family story.

    "This is just about Michael," he said. "This is his glory, his time to shine, and I want him to get everything he wants."

    Rest assured, while Phelps is in the Beijing pool, his father is paying close attention, cheering from back in Maryland.

    "I'm just on pins and needles every time he hits the water," Fred Phelps said.

  2. none of our business.  I heard he has a grudge against his father because his father didn't go to some of his important meets.  everyone always blames the parents.  just because he is a good swimmer doesn't mean he is a good person.

  3. Watch beijing 2008 olympic swmming finals below.

  4. his mom and dad got divoreced when michael was nine

    and michael doesnt have a good realationship with him

  5. Marte or Pluton.

  6. idk

    but my mom and i were wondering the same thing

  7. Honestly, it doesn't really matter where he is. He is obviously not in the picture. End of story.

    And to the person who said he wasn't a good person? How the h**l would you know if he was a good person? Are you his personal friend? I doubt it. So why don't you butt out of other people's lives and work on working out your issues that make you assume the worst in people.  

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