
Where is Obama's huge bump in the polls following the DNC Prom?

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In your personal opinions, why can't this rockstar celebrity, citizen-of-the-world pull out with a noticeable lead in the polls? Instead, when the polls are averaged, his "lead" is well within the margin of error.

Doesn't it seem like that with an unpopular war, an unpopular president, and a weakening economy, the Democrat candidate should be doing much better than this Obama guy is?




  1. It was overshadowed by McCain! That is McCains choice of VP gave Obama a HUGE bump, thanks John!

  2. He is just not the man for the job and America is finding that out. McCain/Palin '08

  3. I believe he got a 2% bump...pathetic for a Greek god.

  4. His speech was watched by more people than watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

    Nuff said. Polls are pretty much worthless anyway.

    3 points still wins...McCain has never been ahead of Obama...

  5. That small lead will disappear now that he's been taken out of the headlines and has been replaced with things that really matter.  Next week he'll be in double digit minus columns.  LMAO!

  6. He's up 8 points over McCain in some polls. They were almost even before.

  7. You would think so... However the Democrats nominated the worst possible canidate. He is a great orator but that is it. Without actually laying out a plan to fix all these issues he will never get elected. Noone wants an empty suit representing the country. Plus I think people are terrified of his economics. America doesn't like socialist ideals, for the most part, and that is what Obama is all about.

  8. It's within the margin of error but we still have the advantage Tom. Lol neocons.

  9. Rasmussen has Barack up by 3 percent.  Have you seen the last Electoral College update?  That's very interesting as well and proves that Obama's lead is all but gone.

    Here's that link:

  10. Obama definitely is going to lose in November, so the media and company is breaking it gently to the Obama kool-aid drinkers month by month...little by little, poll by poll, margin by margin, survey by the Obama followers will take the November 4th Obama loss with less depression than if his loss was dumped on them without warning.

    It is all a tactic to prepare them for the worst that is coming in November.

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