
Where is Old Zealand??

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Where is Old Zealand??




  1. First, this is the wrong category. 'New' Zealand is not in Australia --it's like putting Canada in the USA other section!

    I always thought Zealand was from England. When they came over to USA they named everything New this and New that, for example New Hampshire..

    I thought my grandparents talked about this place in England many years ago..

    But maybe I'm wrong..

  2. Just off the coast of old guinea

  3. There isn't such a place as old zealand.

  4. They built New Zealand on top of it when it reached it's use by date.

  5. Good question, with no definitive answer.

    The very first time the name "New Zealand" appeared in history was in 1606, when the Dutch ship "Duyfken" set off on a search for gold and riches, rumoured to be somewhere in the Spice Islands region. During the excursion, the Captain of the Duyfken, Captain Willem Jansz, discovered an island off the coast of New Guinea, which he named "Nieu Zelandt."

    The name "Nieu Zelandt" remained on maps until at least 1792.

    Once it was discovered that the "Staten Landt" of Tasman was not part of State Landt, the name Nova Zeelandia, or Nieuw Zeeland became attributed to this country within the decade. The name Zelandia, or Zeeland, appeared on maps for the first time around 1645.

    There appear to be no records which explain precisely how New Zealand received its name. One theory is the possible link between New Zealand and Hollandia Nova, the original name given to Australia. The two Dutch provinces of Holland and Zeelandt were separated by sea, the same as Hollandia Nova (Australia) and Zelandia Nova (New Zealand).

  6. Although the nation state of New Zealand was named after the province of Zeeland in the Netherlands, the name New Zealand was not given by Abel Tasman.

    Tasman named the country Staten Landt.

    Sometime between 1643 and 1645 the name Staten Landt was changed to Zelandia Nova (New Zealand).

  7. i was thinking where old south wales is

  8. There is no old Zealand. there is a place in Holland tht is called Zeeland That where the name is derived from. Dutch explorer Able Tasman Discovered New Zealand(Aoteoroa)
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