
Where is Pondicherry located, am confused?

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Is it west or east coast, and is Pondicherry a state as well? And is it a coastal town? Thanks for the info, really appreciate it.




  1. its state on the east coast

  2. Pondicherry is an union teritory which is situated at ECR and 120 KM south from Chennai and the travel time from Chennai to Pondicherry is 3 hrs approximately.

    Formerly, Pondicherry is a french colony.

    Now Pondicherry union teritory of four former french colony. (Pondicherry, Karaikkal, Mahe and Yanam).

    Karaikkal is also in bank of Bay of Bengal and its near to Nagappattinam in Tamil nadu.

    Mahe is in Kerala and Yanam is in Andhra.

  3. It's in Tamil Nadu

  4. Heya! For starters, Pondy is on the East  Coast of India and its around a 100 kms from Chennai. As mentioned by others, its the capital of Karaikal (in Tamil Nadu), Mahe (In Kerala) and Yanam (in Andhra). It is a Union Territory and NOT a State!

    If yer lookin for a nice beach...ask for Auroville! Shopping is best at Chennai if not for handicrafts at Pondy! How do I know all this...coz Its my hometown! Ya need some help or work done in there?

  5. The Pondicherry  constitutes of four former french colonies in India.

    Pondicherry is a union teritory, it comprises of Pondicherry , Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam.These teritories are located at different places(not together). All these teritories are governed by the single goverment in Pondicherry.

    Pondicherry(new name puducherry) is surrounded by Tamil Nadu - East coast

    Karaikal is surrounded by Tamil nadu - East coast

    Mahe is surrounded by Kerala - West coast

    Yanam is surrounded by Andra pradesh - East coast

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