
Where is Sarah Palin today and what is she doing?

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I want to see interviews of her on TV.




  1. Probably not watching TV....the last I knew she was in Jackson, MS.

  2. She is busy saying polar bears are not endangered and flip flopping on issues like whether christian theology should be taught in our public schools.

  3. It's Sunday.  I'd suspect church.  (It's still pretty early here in the West.)

  4. Probably fighting off that vicious leftist rumor that she covered for her daughter's pregnancy.  

  5. Pumping...

  6. She is with a team that is teaching her what to say for every question. Her husband is out pumping oil, and her children are at home with the door locked.

  7. She is probably going to church with her family and then making a Sunday dinner. She's wonderful!!! How amazing to have a VP that is not a lawyer or career politician. Let Sarah loose in DC to clean up the corruption.  

  8. She is going to stop Gustav in its tracks...then brief us on why the lies she told Friday weren't lies.

  9. She is laughing at B Hussein's crazy health care for all.  She is scared for her kids that this liberal nut job is even being considered.  She is trying to figure out how so many people can lack morals and support a muslim

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