
Where is Sean Alexander?

by  |  earlier

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Did he retire or is he trying out for a team?




  1. Sitting at home eating twinkies

  2. Nowhere. He's finished.  

  3. hes a free agent but I thought SOMEONE would have picked him up by now

  4. he is looking at his MVP trophy and how it was a fluke

  5. He is an unsigned free agent, and waiting for a team to give him a call for a try-out.  

  6. He is a free agent.

  7. he's a free agent

  8. free agent.

  9. Hes just a free agent and hasnt found any takers. I would expect someone to bring him in if they have their star RB injured for a significant amount of the season.

  10. He's probably looking for Waldo.

  11. No teams have shown a real interest in him.  He has been looked at by the Bengals and Saints...but no offers.

    Scouts have him very low on the "player to call in case of injury" list.

    He has a huge price tag, history of injuries and most people suspect that anybody could have run behind that massive Seahawk line that once was.

    Most likely it will take several injuries before Shaun gets a call...even then, he will be asked to play for the minimum..will he?

  12. he died of a drug overdose 2nite... so dead

  13. He's a free agent...It's crazy how he was an MVP a couple years ago and now he's a free agent and nobody wants him...I heard he worked out for the Bengals a couple months ago and i though they were going to sign him,but i guess they decided not to.

  14. No one wants him.  

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