
Where is Vanessa Hudgens going to be in 5 years time?

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im loving all ur answers youve given to my miley cyrus/jonas brothers versions of this question haha




  1. with britney

  2. Fully clothed somewhere wishing she had her old body.

  3. p**n star/L*****n stripper

  4. Oh tee hee. I hope she'll be married to a prince and they'll ride off into the sunset in a beautiful white carriage pulled by unicorns with rainbows and butterflys all over and then they dance so romantically on their toes while doves hold her long flowing dress out of the way and they tell each other endlessly how much they love each other as magic snow lightly falls and makes everything even better. Wont that just be dreamy?

  5. Pregnant

  6. Probably doing bigger things. Cause you have to admit, she is a great actress.

    She could be posing for Mens Magazines or something like that.

    She could also be doing big screen movies.

    Cuz she can sing, dance, act, and shes gorgeous.

  7. On some stupid reality show for has-beens.  

  8. probably playboy then p**n

  9. Preganant,  

  10. DOWNHILL!!! That's all im gonna say...

  11. No one will no that there was ever a Vanessa Hudgens!

  12. gone forever :]

  13. Completely forgotten.

  14. yahh a lesbiann pornn starr. :D

  15. Trying to sell copies of her single "Sneakernight," which will have just been purchased for the first her mom

  16. Sprawled naked in my bed along with Miley Cyrus

  17. idk not in disney probaly, cause all former disney stars go on there own way. and she has her own path other then... well disney

  18. Dead in a river.

    I didn't see the one of Miley Cyrus but I'll make sure she'll never be seen  ever again.

  19. she will probably be pregnant because of a one night stand with some guy she met at the strip club that she works at.  

    hah it's possible.

  20. Mastering: "Welcome to Walmart."

  21. She'll be on some reality show.  Isn't there one for washed-up celebrities?

  22. rehab

  23. Pregnant doing drugs with britney

  24. the jonas brothers r awsome they will be very popular in 5 yrs. but miley and vannessa on the other hand thay will probaly be like britney spears and jamie lynn :( THIER SUTS ESPEIALLY MILEY she ued 2 be my idol not anymore she iz not a good rolemodel at all, she didnt deserve nick jonas!!!!!!    and nessa dont deserve zaccc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. High School Music 7

    thank you very much stupid 12 year olds  

  26. who cares??? that girl is a s**t and she is supposed to be a role model for young girls.

  27. married

  28. in a 6 foot deep hole in a coffin hopefully :]

  29. Where all of  the other famous disney stars have ended up. Just look at Hilary Duff, Lindsay Lohan, and Britney Spears. They are all talentless stars making millions, while those who are talented aren't even recognized. Okay, I have to say out of all of Disney's girly stars, the only one who has/ had SOME talent was Spears. Even though she can't sing, she can still perform and dance like no tommorrow (not like she can anymore though).

    But Vanessa? She's just another Duff and Lohan star---bad actress, bad singer who needs technology to help not make her sound flat or off key, and overall, just a bad role model for kids (I like how her nude pic. was blown off with a Disney comment saying that it was just a "momentary lapse in judgement"). She'll still be famous/ recognized in 5 years, but she will still be the same-type of star as all of the other Disney throw aways.  

  30. playboy?

    jk... thats kinda mean. i have no clue. she might be one of those 'celebs' that isnt really known for anything anymore... like paris hilton.

  31. Rehab.

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