
Where is a better place to live AUSTRALIA or USA and WHY????

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I am currently living in the USA, but I am from Australia. Deciding whether or not to stay here.

The things I am not a fan of here in the U S of A are:

1. c**p salaries (Australian pay is A LOT higher)

2. Only 2 weeks of holidays a year (At least 4 in Aus)

3. Too expensive to buy property (I am in LA)

4. People are not so laid back here in LA.

5. Education budget cuts in California.

6. No Universal health care.

Hmm........... so, should I stay or should I go?




  1. You should probably leave, I wouldn't want you to vote in universal health care, pass new bond measures for schools, or raise property taxes.

  2. try a different state  

  3. Your question has already been answered by the 'things' 1,4,5 and 6

    But as they say: "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence..." and my two cents are "Dig beneath your feet, there you will find a spring..."

    List them reasons you stay or will arrive at an enlightened decision ;)

  4. Stay.

    I will assume that people usually leave their countries either when their not satisfied enough with it or they think that they can do better in another country.

    I will assume that case for you.

    Therefore you left Australia because you thought, America was going to be better.

    You should keep to you reasons and stay since, you obviously knew when you made the decision to go, that the U.S would be better. Therefore you should stay since challenging ones intuition is a foolish thing to do.  

  5. Dude dont listen to anyone,and especially dont move to san fran or vallejo, it sounds like youlike to be somewhat close to the ocean, i live in orange county, and dude i know exactly what you mean, its like are you serious we have to work all day in order to live, and than none of the people here are that cool, it seems like its so superficial here. i love surfing and thats the only reason i stick in this part of california, cuz the water is somewhat warmer, but i am actually planning on moving to australia to study abroad next year.

    My sister moved outta the country to go to amsterdam ( not the same as australia) But you know what she has madegood friends, get paid a lot more and works a lot less, america has problems its almost as though we have no sense of fun, we are always rushin rushing to get things done, esp. in la, thats something you will like about australia, no one Rushes! thank goodness, there is actually a couple towns where i noticed they dont have a sense of time, and they all just get along, and do things at a much slower, yet happier less stressed out pace.

    Dude i would say go, everyone has got to have a little adventure in their life, dont be one of those people who dont have a story to tell.

  6. uh... move to frisco, or vallejo where its all coo.

    just move (stay in cali) somewhere else your views will change

  7. There are pros and cons to both.

    As you know, both are great countries.

    Since you are Aussie you might be getting homesick??

    What was the reason you left Oz in the first place, don't forget to look at the flip side.

    Totally agree with you on point 2, 5, and 6.

    As for point 4. : it's true, but just give them your friendly Aussie charm and you will often win them over.

    Be a good ambassador for us, and don't complain about America to Americans, remember you're a guest! (I hate it when migrants complain about their adopted country)

    Anyway best wishes mate

  8. On points 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6, Australia wins hands down.

    Point 3 is another matter.

    Property is very expensive in Australia now, particularly in Sydney, but most of the other cities have had large price rises too.

    Of course, Australian property may still be less expensive than the same thing in LA, but I'd check carefully, particularly if Sydney is where you would be heading.

    Sounds like you should come home, but do your homework first.

  9. Well imagine yourself here in one month, three months, six months. Do you get depressed just thinking about it? If you do, you should go. Not that we don't want you here, I <3 Aussies!  

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