
Where is a better place to live US or EU?

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i live in a country that just entered in EU in 01.01.2007




  1. EU, NHS is payed for, no dentle or health bills , if you dont want to go private, the cost of living higher for obvious reasons. Better education system..a load of reasons..

  2. If you're an entrepreneur it would probably be better to head to the US because doing business there is pretty straightforward. However, if you're an employee then EU is better because all health care, pension, and education systems are publicly funded and very affordable which means that no one is left on the side unattended.

    If you're a searcher in genetics or nano-technologies, then US labs are better funded and better equipped.

    If you prefer multiculturalism then Europe is heaven with a large variety of cultures, languages, traditions, and opinions.

  3. I'm italian and this is my only home so I don't now, but I have no reason to leave Italy and go to USA.

  4. the EU is a dump but the US isn't much better.


    It is about the same distance from Lapland (Northern Finland) to Southern Portugal as crossing the US coast to coast.

  6. No easy answer. The EU is made up of many diverse countries.

    I'm English and have enjoyed visiting the U.S. but if I could live anywhere, other than England, it would be in the Balearic Islands, which are part of Spain.

  7. i would say EU .. coz US is cheap though but income is less secondly its  populated too

  8. US

    easy to make a living

  9. EU

  10. Ireland and California

  11. USA but I certainly am biased.  I'm an American through and through and a patriot.  I wont live anywhere else.  This is MY country; this is my home.

    (PS  I see that I've received several thumbs down.  I'm curious why that is.  Is it that I'm an American Patriot?  I'll do one better:  I would love to see the United States drop out of the United Nations.  And to my Bulgarian friends, I like hard work and the financial security that comes with it.  I embrace the American Dream:  House, cars, retirement assets, religious freedom and other freedoms provided by the United States Constitution!)

  12. In US live is easy and full of relax, but Romania and Bulgaria have in Eu wonderful feature. So maybe it is worth to go to work in other (richer) Eu state.

    Because if you want to live in US, it will be decision for all of your life.

  13. US...the open borders situation in the EU has caused huge problems for affluent countries.

  14. of corse Eu , us is to criminal and very noisy eu is very peaceful and EURO is very powerful and ya i live also in Eu

  15. Depends how you want to live

  16. Im english and live in London and i would love to live in America for a while cause it looks so amazing over there.

  17. i think the US is better even though i live in eu.the US is a big place it has more jobs and eu is one of the smallest continents.thats the reason im going to the US.

  18. I am guessing you are Bulgarian (like me) or Romanian. If you like capitalism and hard work, the US is the right place to you, although the scenery isn't that interesting and Europe is a much nicer place generally speaking. If you like to party and have fun, then Europe is better in most cases. Also if you are more socialist.

  19. US is the best place to live because it has all the resources for a good life.

  20. US probably.

  21. Me I say the US but that only cause I like to do road trips and with EU I would be stuck with out a pass port. The US is big enough to do a one long trip from ocean to ocean in a little over a week. That includes stops for sight seeing on the way.

  22. The US.  You can go to the next state and not have to learn a new language.

  23. I think as on today its better to live in Europe then US.  Because Euro is getting stronger against  US Dollars.

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