
Where is a good place to find beads and materials for making jewelry at a good price?

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I am going to start making jewelry and I want to find the best possible price for beads, findings, and tools that I can. I have looked on eBay and a couple of websites. I'd like to maybe go to a wholesale place. Any ideas?




  1. if there's a Hobby Lobby near you, you can find lots of jewelry stuff there too.  Its cheaper than Michaels or Joann Fabrics.  Good Luck.

  2. A.C. Moore

    It is located in River Ridge in Asheville.

    When I was hospitilized my parents got all my beads, yarn, all the little stuff there, and they are really good on prices. They have alot of beads on sale most the time. Theres millions. It's specifically a craft store. Pretty much a wholesale place I believe you might be looking for.

    Hope It Helped :-)

  3. Here's wishing good luck for you business adventure.

    And a quick search for you:

  4. Michaels or joan fabrics

  5. * firemountain gems* is a great source! You may also want to try to search your local area for bead shops. This is usually a good source and pool of information.  A great place to make new friends that love to do the same thing too.


  6. This place is awesome. The more you buy the better deal you get.

  7. I make my own jewelry and I  *love* They have a great selection of beads!!!!!

    Also, is great place to look for jewelry-making supplies, you just have to have an account to buy anything from there.

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