
Where is a good place to hide a tattoo?

by Guest61976  |  earlier

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hey i'm 17, and i want to get a tattoo. but my parents would kill me if i did at 17 so i have a fake id and i want it at 17 not 18. its going to be a cross w/ my initials on it and or maybe those star ones. thanks!




  1. upper arm or crotch area

  2. i suggest the cross. that way if they find it then you can be all like,

    "it shows my passion for my love of the lord"


    depending if you do sports or not...or if you go barefoot?

    you could put it on the top of your foot, in the very middle of your back, or upper back or somewhere along your waist line where your pants/shirt cover up.

  3. Of all the questions that are asked on a regular basis in this forum, this is the one that has me baffled the most. I can understand the "How old?" and the "How much?" and sometimes even the "How much does it hurt?" but how little intelegence do you have to have not to know which part of the body is going to be easiest to have covered with normal, everyday clothing and is going to be on show the least? I mean, come on, what do you use for brains?

    This is why there is a minimum age for having a tattoo - and you, my friend, are too young.

  4. butt

  5. armpit

    under your foot

    or your genitals

  6. Why do you want to get a tattoo that you have to turn around and hide from your parents.  Do you plan on hiding it forever or just til your a certain age?  If your only planning on hiding it til your of age why not wait a year.  There is no rush in getting something so permanent. I would also put alot of thought into the tattoo. "those star ones" as you put it are meaningless and way way way over done.  Also if you are not even sure what tattoo you want then you obviously don't want either one bad enough and should wait.  Also you shouldn't let the placement of your tattoo be determined by how well you can hide it from your parents.  The location of your tattoo should be based on what you want to live with for the rest of your life. Again there is no rush in getting a tattoo.  Put alot of thought into before just getting one cause you can. Good Luck

  7. Top of your arm, just make sure you always have a t-shirt/ long sleeved shirt on if your near them.

  8. i'd say ankle really

    alot of people will say top of your arm / chest ect

    but to be honest. what if your on holidayy and you go in the pool ect?

    id defently say ankle or maybe legg - if you dont wear shorts of that is :P

    but it wouldnt really fit with the tatto you want

    so i will deffently say top of the arm will look nice (Y)

  9. On your butt

  10. Please, please, please wait.  It is not fair to lie about your age to the artist, if anything went wrong your parents could sue him for grievous bodily harm, and he could lose his job, and his livelihood, and possibly end up in jail.  Just be sensible about it, and wait til you are 18.  This is totally irresponsible of you.

  11. Well....Not anywhere on your upper body in case you go awimming around your parents, they will see it......not your legs because if you wear shorts they will see it. It is harder to hide things on guys, cause they can "expose" more........I'm sure your not going to want a tattoo on your pants line next to your croch either. So, either wait or have a cross with your initials on your

    Whats a few months of waiting anyway? No big deal

  12. first of all, at your age, the only place where you can get a tattoo is done illegally, and who knows? your fake ID won't work? in any case, i would say if you really want it, it's worth the wait, i wanted mine at 17 and had to wait a whole year but it was worthit.

    but to answer your question, anywhere on your back could be easy to hide. if you wear shirts all the time, and not tank tops, it'll be easy. or on your low stomach, that'll be easy too.

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