
Where is a good place to work that i am going to get 15-25 hours per week?

by  |  earlier

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I have worked at woolworths for 3 months now, and when i started it was around christmas time, and i was geting an average of 30 hours per week. once things started to get back into normal weeks, the shifts started to decrease, 4 prople got no shifts this week and i only got one 3 hour shift. this does not help when i am trying to save for a car, and a trip overseas with my family. I have asked for more hours although they are overstaffed and say they are trying their best. I work as a checkout chick, and am great with customers, i always have positive feedback, but i seriously need more hours! Its hard to save on an income of $30 - $50 per week. any suggestions?




  1. Hospitality. Although that industry is really unpredictable. If you go to school, go for a restaurant, or a pub sorta restaurant or cafe, that operates at night. I get 5 - 9 shifts at the moment and sometimes weekend work during the days. If you go for a small place, it is more likely that you will get more hours and get called more to come in if someone is sick, rather than woolies that has a wide range of people to contact.

    You could also go for take-away fish and chips and things like that, because they are always so busy and an essential, they are always looking for staff.

    Good Luck!

  2. United States Marine Corps or any of those other armed forces

  3. Hollister or any ABercrombie owned stores....Or pretty much any clothing store at a mall

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