
Where is a great place to stay for vacation in Germany?

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Where is a great place to stay for vacation in Germany?




  1. Think of this...

    Majestic Castles, Multitude of Cultures, Most incredible and absolute best Transportation system for all other world class cities to follow?  Undeniable presige, facinating and ever-changing history,  most museums in one place, biggest libraries, biggest train stations, biggest European Zoo, most parks, rivers, lakes in a city, largest inland beach, capital of Germania, Prussia, Germany, newest and most futuristic city center in the world (Potsdamer Platz, in 1989 - was mearly a vast wasteland), The Blue Man Group, 8,000 bars, Most apparent American influence on any European city, coolest taxis, best boat tours, best city bus tours, largest collection of renovated land marks (many which have observation decks of fantastic views of the city), Aquarium with the most species in the world, Home of the Pergamon Alter and Nerfertiti's famous bust (icon of Egypt), home of the last and largest of the world's sporting events (FIFA World Cup 2006), The infamous Berlin Wall (East Side Galley... halfway down be sure to take a break on the famous Beach on the otherside, kick back by a palm tree and enjoy a nice Brazillia Pitu Caipirinha... Even the famous sky climbing TV tower (1000 or so feet high ~ located in Alex.. Alexander Platz... looks like a ball spiked on a needle, has a rotating restaurant and public observation deck... is painted to look like a soccer ball - What a trip that is...  Anyway, you can do anything in this city - Shop, Drink, Disco, Swim, Study, Admire, Dine, Wine, Whatever - Beer Gardens Galore, Events non-ending... Berlin is truly unbelivable... World famous people parades and marches, Incredible shops and restaurants (or better try the famous street imbisses... Currywust und Pommes, wiener und brotchen, baguettes, Doner Kebabs... OMG - take me back!), site of many famous movies, even recently, Aeon Flux, Mission Impossible 3, Flight Plan, EuroTrip, Bourne Supremecy, etc... huge population of English speaking citizens, amazing art and architecture, clean (if you can get around the occasional youngster's graffity art carelessly left nearly anywhere possible, this city is always playing keep up)...This city really has it all and is so interestingly well built... Seriously, I could rattle off 100 cool things to do while you are there easy, just from my visits there, it's my favorite of all cities in the world and I've been to many... NYC, ATL, BOS, MTL, ORD, PHI, LON, AMS, PRG, you name it.  The weather is superb (usually around 70- 84 degrees for about 7 months of the year), doesn't rain much, one day a week average, showers not long lasting.  The economy is pretty good, this city if you haven't figured it out by now is BERLIN.   No place like it, you can never run out of things to do there... I do recommend you start with the city boat and bust tours, than go back and ride the 100 from KuDamm to Alex or the 109 to Charlottneburg Palace (go there, the palace grounds are open to the publice around the clock), and stop at the Louisen Brau (famous bier brau haus)...

    ONLY ONE PLACE COULD BE BERLIN.  Developed as the pinacle and symbol of western phylosophy and island of hope and freedom... now doubled in size!  3 International Airports, more Hotels than you can dream of, easy to navigate - I highly recommend you see for yourself.

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