
Where is acid rain a real problem... thanks?

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pleas egive me an answer... like countries, and not a web link... copy and paste if u must




  1. In Norway, for example - the country I live in.

    Acid rain from industrial Europe moves with the main winds to the north east and over Norway. It decreases the pH value of the water in our lakes and that increases the growth of algae that, in turn, kill fishes. Each year we must use tons of chalk that we spread by planes over the lakes to reduce the acidity.

  2. it's in europe ..... many lakes had high acidity and many forests had been reduced to twigs and branches..

    in India too its fast approaching.. see the differences in the color of the Taj Mahal!

  3. "The areas of greatest acidity (lowest pH values) are located in the Northeastern United States. This pattern of high acidity is caused by the large number of cities, the dense population, and the concentration of power and industrial plants in the Northeast. In addition, the prevailing wind direction brings storms and pollution to the Northeast from the Midwest, and dust from the soil and rocks in the Northeastern United States is less likely to neutralize acidity in the rain. "

  4. Europe, Canada, Russia. Acid rain affects not only sandstone buildings but forests

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