
Where is all the money going?

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if it's not in the economy then where is it? someone's swiss bank account




  1. okay... good luck with your NIGHTMARES. fkkkkk annoying.

  2. Well, start with the fact that in the last 2 years 40,000 companies have left the US for other countries, 500,000 jobs have been lost in the last 6 months. Our Government stated to the American people that the NAFTA laws would creat jobs in the US, was at best a lie. Instead what happen is companies found they could move there operation to Mexicao, Japan China, Inda, ect. and recup there moving expence within two years, do to lower labor cost. Mexico, the only have to pay a full time employee $4.50 per day.

    Companies like GM, Fords, and other larger compaies alike forgot that the American people made them as large as they are (were). To go further, one can use common sense and think about if I move from the US and cut labor, then WHO is going to buy my product. When you go from the largest employer to a mid-size do to down sizing then what do you think is going to happen in the US.

    The money is going to foreign countries, and forign businesses, so it's plane just leaving the US. Lack of planing on Business, and the Government as a hole is at fault. We send 700 Billion just to foreign oil companies a year, and we give the richest companies in the US tax breaks. 18 Billion in subsidiaries ever year to BIG oil companies, and they showed the larget profit in the US of any company.

    We have sold off, traded or given away more of the US in the last 6 years then in any other 25 years before.

    Do you know that the US is contracting our navy ships to foreign companies, we buy our military guns from Briton, and bullets from another county. Our air plane parts for the F16 come from Japan. We even buy our AMERICAN FLAGS from Japan and China, that fly over the White house.

    I could go on and on. However, the problem is our Government has SOLD us out, and we are now fighting to just live day to day. Unless your one of the rich or in office.

    If we went back to the way thinks were done in the 60's with our Government and stop with ALL this foreign Immigration and put out illegals, and stop NAFTA and charge tax to companies that left the US to bring there items back to sell we would recover within 2 years and we again would be the strongest nation, but for now we the UNITED STATES and BUDWISER are up for sale, or have been sold.


    On top of that we owe China about 1 Trillion dollars and Japan 500 Billion WE borrowed to help fund the war and bail out big companies. WE wouldn't have had to do this if our GOVERNMENT had a head on the neck.

  3. Here's one average person's guess:

    1. The war costs far too much to sustain for much longer.

    2. Corporations have been allowed to move many blue collar jobs to other countries. They should realize that if we can't work, we can't afford to buy their products.

    3. Aside from funding the war, how much money do we shell out to other countries in aid?

    4. We're supporting more people in this country than its legal citizens can bear.

    We could probably add to the list, but it would take too long.

  4. I totally agree with "Annoyed"....all of those you have any idea what these illegal aliens cost us?  They get everything free....we have to pay for it.  The congress (politicians) won't do a thing.....they only pander to their dear VOTE.....makes me sick.

  5. The war in Iraq & Afganistan

  6. It depends on what money you are talking about.  Could you add some to the question.

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