
Where is fashion???????

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do all countries care about fashion as much as america???




  1. well i live in Canada and yes we do

    especially me lol  

  2. I would say that many countries care more. And many countries care less.

  3. Yes all countries do care about fashion as much (and probably more than) America.

    I mean a long of high fashion comes from Europe, from places like France and Italy. Fashion is also really big in Asian countries like Hong Kong and Japan.

    All around the world, people care a lot about how they dress and look, so fashion is big basically everywhere :)

  4. of course...

    The Global Language Monitor's annual list of the Top Fashion Cities ranked by media exposure; the 2008 ranking,

    1 New York - Number one for the fifth year running.

    2 Rome - The Eternal City, again, a strong Number two.

    3 Paris - Perhaps No. 1 in the world’s hearts and mind - but not the media’s.

    4 Milan - Overtakes London in this survey.

    5 London - The Elite Five far outdistance the rest.

    6 Los Angeles - LA knocks on the door of the Elite Five.

    7 Sydney - Sydney makes a huge move, breaking into the Top 10.

    8 Las Vegas - The intense media spotlight improves Vegas’ ranking.

    9 Berlin - Berlin continues its very strong presence.

    10 Tokyo - Tokyo remains the capital of the Asian Fashion Industry.

    11 Hong Kong - Threatening to move ahead of Tokyo.

    12 Dubai - Massive marketing fueled by petrodollars can make an impact.

    13 Shanghai - Vies with Hong Kong for the lead in China.

    14 Singapore - Significant fashion infrastructure keeps its ranking strong.

    15 Madrid - Reasserts the Iberian fashion lead over Barcelona.

    16 Moscow - Firmly ensconces itself in the Top Twenty.

    17 Santiago - Leads Latin America.

    18 Melbourne - Take a second seat to a high-flying Sydney.

    19 Stockholm - First Scandinavian on the list.

    20 Buenos Aires - Traditional leader in fashion continues to move up the rankings.

    21 Johannesburg - Joburg improves two spots.

    22 Mumbai - Mumbai again leads the Subcontinent.

    23 Cape Town - Joburg’s rival is new to the list.

    24 New Delhi - New Delhi makes the List, but still is outpaced by Bollywood.

    25 Barcelona - Still in the Top Twenty-five though Madrid has strong lead.

    26 Miami - Makes the list on its leadership in swimwear.

    27 Krakow - Shares the neo-Bohemian spotlight with Prague.

    28 Prague - No neo about this rising center of fashion.

    29 Toronto — First Canadian city on the list; Montreal just missed the rankings.

    30 Rio de Janeiro - Strong Latin American No. 3 outpacing Sao Paolo.

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