
Where is god living these days ?

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where is god?




  1. God is in everything. He is the Universal Presence everywhere and out of His Substance all things have been created both seen and unseen. The Bible also says: "We live and move and have our being in Him" so it means there is a universal substance which is from the Divine Being. As you can see, it is a concept that is beyond the mind of man to hold. You do not find God's presence through your intellect but it is through your soul - what is deepest in your mind and heart - that you will come nearer to the Divine Presence.

  2. For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. (Isaiah 57:15)

  3. olympus

  4. In a van down by the river.

  5. In the hearts of Christians

  6. I saw him at buffas in the french quarter eatin a burger and havin a beer a couple of weeks ago but if he is smart he will evacuate.

    P.S. he cant tell a joke to save his sons life, but he was pretty bomed, i think he miracled his tab too!!!

  7. everywhere

  8. Up your *** and around the corner

  9. Is church open Kim B?  Because I'm ready to commune.

    I'll go with that answer.

  10. Vancouver

  11. God lives in the cranial cavity of his believers. Nowhere else.

  12. He is watching you from the sky.But he is in all those people's hearths who believe in him and also in those who don't.He will always have his arms open for everyone who wants to know him.Remember that.x)

    God bless.

  13. I would tell you but then I wold have to send you to h**l....I mean, I have no idea

  14. As far as I can tell, he is out of the office.

  15. the lds have a doctrine the he exists NEAR Kolob.

    i asked a similar question and was corrected in the answer

    the old testament says there are 7 heavens

    Paul said he knew someone in the third heaven

    however there is a curious verse that also says God exists above ALL heavens.

    if the lds have it correct! there are 3 degrees of glory in the resurrection, each degree can be defined as a heaven. but then they say each degree is divided into 3, so it can be said there are 9 heavens if this is true! there is a tenth heaven where God presides

  16. In a condo in Minnesota with Jesus, Mary, and their Irish Setter 'Scruff'.

  17. God has never registered a change of address.

  18. He is everywhere, but you will see Him face to face in heaven!

  19. Reality Truth Conscious Understanding  

  20. George,

    if you really want to find God He will be found. and have you looked hard for Him? I suggest you do just that. He knows your heart and He knows if you are just bluffing Him when you want to find Him.

    If you want to see God look for Him. I found hIm in the pages of my bible. and I also found Him in other people. he is in the wold He made. he is inside of me. go to church and look for him. make it clear that you are looking for God. I guarantee you will find HIM!!

  21. GOD is everywhere, inside you and outside you in every particle of this universe.  You can know him in any form you like. You have to want him to know and feel him! Even if you don't believe right now, you might in the future, if you are destined to!

  22. He's waiting to live in your heart if you invite Him.   (His 'home' is in the hearts of His Church.)

  23. in my v****a

  24. canton, sd...colbert said it was h**l on earth...or something like that.

  25. In my heart and everywhere.

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