
Where is grain farming done?

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Where is grain farming done?




  1. Well rural new mexico and the mid-west region of the US

  2. grain farming --

    as in small grains - oats, wheat, barley and hay

    course grains - corn (for grain), soybeans, grain sorghum

    virtually anywhere - southern, midwest, great lakes and mid atlantic states

  3. As far as grain farming goes the big states would be Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, and Southern MN

  4. Iowa breadbasket of the world

  5. Grain farming is done all over the USA! the midwest does a lot of grain farming. Not sure what you are looking for your question is a little vag.

  6. If you are talking about in the USA, search this web site for answers to your grain questions.

  7. GRAIN FARMING IS DONE WORLD WIDE.e following table shows annual production of cereal grains, in 1961,[1] 2005 and 2006, ranked by 2006 production.[2] All but buckwheat and quinoa are true grasses (these two are pseudocereals).

    Grain  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚†Â“ 2006 (Mt)  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚†Â“ 2005 (Mt)  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚†Â“ 1961 (Mt)  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚†Â“

    Maize 695,287,651 712,877,757 205,004,683 A staple food of peoples in North America, South America, and Africa and of livestock worldwide; often called "corn" or "Indian corn" in North America, Australia, and New Zealand.

    Rice[3] 634,575,804 631,508,532 284,654,697 The primary cereal of tropical regions

    Wheat 605,256,883 628,697,531 222,357,231 The primary cereal of temperate regions

    Barley 138,704,379 141,334,270 72,411,104 Grown for malting and livestock on land too poor or too cold for wheat

    Sorghum 56,525,765 59,214,205 40,931,625 Important staple food in Asia and Africa and popular worldwide for livestock

    Millets 31,783,428 30,589,322 25,703,968 A group of similar but distinct cereals that form an important staple food in Asia and Africa.

    Oats 23,106,021 23,552,531 49,588,769 Formerly the staple food of Scotland and popular worldwide for livestock

    Rye 13,265,177 15,223,162 35,109,990 Important in cold climates

    Triticale 11,338,788 13,293,233 0 Hybrid of wheat and rye, grown similarly to rye

    Buckwheat 2,365,158 2,078,299 2,478,596 Pseudocereal, used in Eurasia. Major uses include various pancakes and groats

    Fonio 378,409 363,021 178,483 Several varieties of which are grown as food crops in Africa

    Quinoa 58,989 58,443 32,435 Pseudocereal, grown in the Andes

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