
Where is knock off Nigel

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I fancy watchin a few films.

Do the people who created the latest ad campaign against p****y really think that it will make any difference to people?

Your thoughts please.




  1. not at all. Why would anyone buy something when they can buy it cheaper somewhere else, its just dumb.

  2. I  love  that advert.  Everytime  i  hear  it  i  think  of  how  much  an  MP  or  'FAT CAT'  crooks  pay  themselves  while  putting  our bills  up.

  3. I dont think it will.  I used to work in a pub and there used to always be people selling pirate dvds and cds for a couple of quid each.  No one ever seemed to turn them down and I doubt and advert with a catchy song will make people change their minds about p****y.

    And in note to the other ad about how pirate dvds are linked to human trafficking, it was one old guy making a bit of extra money on his home computer, not the flipping mafia

  4. hes knockin on my door....

  5. lol.... who is knock off nigel?????

  6. These campaigns are so out of touch is laughable

    If you know someone who can get you things on the cheap you don't take the p**s out of them do you

    You thank them for getting things cheaply for you!

    I used to work with someone in my old job who could get his hands on pretty much any mobile phone, DVDs, and Cd's that you wanted

    I couldn't care less whether it came off the back of a lorry or was illegally downloaded

    All I cared about was that I could watch a particular film without having to fork out for the cinema or that I could get a particular mobile for a fraction of the price they sell them for it shops

  7. Not at all. Doesn't make any difference to me anyway.

  8. I was saying that the other day, that advert just makes me laugh, it doesn't discourage me from downloading in the slightest!!

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