
Where is located the imaginary cultural frontier or border between Anglo America and Hispanic America ?

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Anglo America ( English, British, white, brown, black) )

Hispanic America ( Spanish, Latino, Mestizo , White, brown, black )

got it?




  1. Well he did clarify it as imaginary, so we'll just assume that means he understands it is in the mind, and I'm sure he also realized that these ethnicities are mixed throughout the Americas.

    That said, I would think the higher concentrations of Spanish spoken would be an indication of the growth of Hispanic culture.  While their is no exact line, it would seem Latin America is no longer confined to Mexico, the Carribean, and Central and South America.  Southern California, New Mexico, Texas, Florida, and others have a heavy cultural influence from one or several Latin American cultures.  Of course, so does New York, so this "boundary" is impossible to define on a map.

  2. The white collar business world

  3. Only in the mind...

    The physical world has no such barrier!

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