
Where is love?

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Where is love?




  1. where is beauty?

  2. ohio is for lovers

  3. God is Love

    seek and you will find

  4. where is love i hear you say comes from within and you must love yourself before you can truly love another oh or it's a song in Oliver!!

  5. don't go looking for love.  be able to be completely content with yourself and who you are as a person.  love will find you.

  6. It starts in your heart then it grows out and touches someone.

  7. Love is you, within you

    In family, friends

    Pets, the Net

    See it?

    Open your heart

    Surround yourself

    With it, in it

    Feel the love.

  8. where you want it to be

    show love and kindness and you will recieve love and kindness

  9. in your heart

  10. Its sumwhere hiding out there in the world... gotta go find it or let it find you ^_^

  11. Places

  12. Inside yourself !!!

  13. no where

  14. where you find it!

  15. Come on over to Canada'll find everything you ever wanted and more, without the gloomy weather of Jolly Ol'England....hope to see you in the Pub.-Tripod

  16. Love is in everyone, the trick is learning how to express it.

  17. Everywhere!

  18. all around

  19. its hiding..

  20. Love is everywhere, but it is not something to go searching for. Once you find love you will know it and you will be happy.

  21. Its out there, all you have to do is find it....

  22. Love is on the park bench seeing an elderly couple holding hands!

  23. In Jesus

  24. Love is in your heart.

  25. in thiii airr lol

  26. Everywhere; possibly in the place you least expected to discover it. It's all about your own perception.

  27. Dear Nettie,

    I'm sure you've experienced love with a parent, a sibling, a teacher, your first boyfriend and a pet.  It's that feeling that begins inside that no one can truly describe.  We are able to LOVE, because God the Father-Jesus Christ -Holy Spirit first loved us (John 3:16).  Love is part of our nature.  Without love we would cease to exist.  There are times, we all have feelings we aren't loved by anyone, but this isn't true.  It's just a passing feeling, because we're human, as humans we become angry.  Anger separates us temporarily from those who love us. But it can never separate us from the love of God.  Once, we come to our senses our hearts soften and open to love, again. Our world becomes right.  That's LOVE in a nutshell.

    Here's a big hug for you=D

    Blessings to you sweetie<><):

  28. Down at Passion City, about 40 miles west Los Angeles.

  29. love is at the beginning and the end of all thing

    it runs throughout the whole fabric of everythingl

    love is in the mistakes you make, the glory you share, it's the crown you wear on your head, and believe it or not, love is in the heart of your enemy.  love is eternal, always renewed.  the stars, sun, and moon, come up  and go down every night and day spinning with love.  love is seeping through the roots of the grass outside your window.  love is not where you expect to find it.  but it's also a rock on which you can depend.  Love is in England.  Love is in France.  I can see love in your underpants.  Love is wherever you put it, honey, though sometimes it moves around on its own.  Love fills the universe and runs around faster than I can follow trying to leave gifts for me everywhere, surprising me at every turn.  Love is what you are given all the time by God, who does all things for your benefit, because God loves you best of all.

  30. Love is wherever you aren't looking.

    I found love when I decided I didn't need it.
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