
Where is my cat? Any accurate psychic around?

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My cat run away on saturday. I looked and looked around the neighborhood a few times but couldn't find her. I contacted a psychic today but she gave me description where the cat is, but it's too general as I couldn't locate her. I want to contact her again but she charges $105 for lost pet, I don't particularly want to spend another $105 after the 1st consultation fee.

I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I'm very upset. I'm hoping for a miracle to happen!




  1. Shes most likely a scammer....

    Where do you live??

    I went for a walk on saturday and found a lost cat and then it kept following me...

    Do you live in Ohio?

  2. oh wow. i wouldn't pay for a psychic..i would check under big plants and bushes, the roof, ask your neighbors, make flyer's w/ pic., check places where you shut things when you're done with the closets. under furniture, in the garage..

    good luck

  3. Your cat has experienced a little trauma nd it is hiding. Look somewhere with bushes where there are not a lot of people on foot. She is near you possibly in a neighbors over-landscaped back yard. Wait until it is later and less noisy, then go outside and sit for a while without making a lot of noise. She may begin to meow around 10 or 10:30. I have a feeling.

  4. Aww I am so sorry to hear about your pet. But just wait maybe your cat might come back. I've had pets that ran away for a couple weeks and would come home. But I really do that happens in your case or you find a psychic that can help you out. But the reason why the one you went to was so "general" is because they usually pull c**p outta their butt and feed it to people that is willing to pay. And truthfully half the people on here that answer might lie to you or give you some stupid sarcastic remark. But just wait and see if your cat comes home or put up lost pet posters, put an ad in the paper for a lost and found pet kind of thing and call pounds and animal shelters.

  5. you paid a psychic $105.00?????

    tell you what, send me $50.00 and put a bowl of milk out on the porch... i'll send your fluffy little friend home.  

    your cat has probably found a new home with a less gullible person.

  6. Your cat is in the alley behind your neighbors house. She's living with a homeless man named Bruce, who is feeding her saucers of milk and bits of McDonald's hamburger. She is safe and happy.

    She'll return to you in three days once Bruce runs out of milk.

  7. Most cats run away when they are about to die...has she ever run away before? If not then maybe its just time to let go. sorry

  8. Ooops I think I ran it over lol

  9. Forget the psychic, like you said she was too general. If she was respectable she would help you w/out charging you twice.

    Put posters up w/ picture of cat w/ your name and #. Call local vets and let them know your cat is lost, give them pic if possible and even put up lost posters in their waiting room (animal people usually help other animal people).

    Call local MSPCA and shelters - let them know as well.

    Please don't give up, try to stay positive.  

  10. Most psychic people are fraudulent. If real ones, it will be no wonder they appear in the TV program. Most of them do not have miracle power, especially old women. Do not trust poor psychics. Many of them want just money. If your place is in town, the cat may have an accident or taken by someone. But even if the cat ran away, the cat usually would come back home. My cats have done same thing before. I hope your cat back.

  11. Give me $105 to help you find the cat!!!!!!!!The cat went to look for the mother you cat will return home soon,you have to put up picture of the cat ,while looking for the mother the cat got lost ,it's trying to find you also.

  12. my cat did this befor just put some food outside for his and he might

    just come home some out side cats do this my cat did it 2 times

    befor and came back

  13. Could someone around your neighborhood have it? Post flyer's of missing pet with your phone number and pics of your pet.  

  14. i'm sorry, but, in my opinion, physics can't locate your lost cat.

    sure they can read minds, see the future, and communicate with the deceased, but they aren't a satellite.

    call the local animal shelter to see if she has been turned in. or go old school and staple up some 'lost' posters that you can print from your computer.

  15. ok dont trust psychics, seriously

    she gave you a description thats too general so that you will pay more

    each time.

    just pray that your cat will come home, always worked for me


  16. When a cat gets away two things generally happen: 1-they find a new home or; 2-they're dead. You hope that if they find a new home it's with someone that treats them good. If they're dead you hope they didn't suffer. Don't waste anymore money on a psychic. Check your local shelters, if she doesn't show up you can adopt a cat that needs a home.

  17. just put some food out and when it gets hungry enough, it'll come back.

  18. Awh, sorry to hear that.

    Don't waste your  money, though. My advice is to not go back to the psychic. As mentioned already by another user, be sure to leave food and water out for her.

    Did you put posters around the neighborhood already?

    (With a picture and description?)

    I'm very sorry...I really hope you find your cat. It's difficult to find lost pets :/ She might have ran away far. Or she could have gotten into an accident.

    Or she could be down the street from your house under a car.

    You never know!

    Keep searching for her! Good luck!

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