
Where is my social life going

by  |  earlier

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Before I say anything else, I will admit that I AM an introverted person. Around the end of the school year, I was really drifting apart from my group of friends and felt under appreciated by them. They ignored me most of the time and even when I went to prom with two of them, they basically paid me no attention what so ever. To make the long story short, I got into a fight with them and even though I am on good terms with them, I can't really say that I'm friends with them. I spend a lot of time by myself and the only times that I really go out are when I'm going to eat or shop, and lately, I've really been longing for someone to talk to outside of my family. My Senior year is just around the corner and when I should really be looking forward to it, I am really dreading it because I really have no friends at the moment, or at least that's how I certainly feel. Of course there are some people that I used to hang out with and some really nice people I know, but I just miss the strong sense of companionship I had with my last group of friends. What can I possibly do to make my situation better?




  1. Join a different club or group. Even start a new club with something you really love to do or are passionate about. This made my senior year great and I met a lot of cool, close friends.

  2. do sumthing crazy like a beer run or be the life of a party. Youll make friends fast and get laid. Trust me

  3. Just go out there and search


    make new friends, with a diff. group

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