
Where is myanmar in this map of plate boundaries?

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  1. according to the tectonic plate part of east Myanmar is in the Eurasian plate and the west side of Myanmar is in the Indian plate.

  2. Myanmar is on the outside boundary of the Indian Plate's right side.  It's barely on the edge of the map about half way up the right side.

    Actually, it is on the edge of both sides of the map.  It should be on the Eurasian Plate since it's bordering countries are mostly Southeast and Asia countries.

    You're right.  It sort of was squeezed out of the picture.

  3. you need a better map that doesn't cut off where Myanmar is---

    It is at the area where the Eurasian, Indian, and Australian plates are meeting, and without a map showing that are clearly and "unbrokenly" you will not have a good answer.

    this is a much better map, and shows clearly that it is on the Eurasian plate, near the boundary with the Indian Plate

    edit note: I have found some other maps that place the Indian and Australian plates together as one. So I guess there is some debate among geologists as to what the plates are in that part of the world?

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