
Where is nepal can any say me and some of my friend say there is the mt.everst?

by Guest44791  |  earlier

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Where is nepal can any say me and some of my friend say there is the mt.everst?




  1. Nepal is a small country, land locked by big giant India and China. Geographically, Nepal is devided into 3 parts i.e. himalayan range, hills and terai / plain area, however the distaince from himalayan range and terai is not so far, even the temperature and humidity are so difference.

    Including Mt. Everest, there are 8 top most himalayas are embedded in himalayan range, Nepal. Some himalayas are not allowed to ride due to locale and their religion. Mt. Everest is located at the border of Nepal and Tibet, China, that's why there are 2 streams of riding Mt. Everest ie. from Nepal and Tibet side.

  2. Nepal is a small landlocked country in asia.  It's in between India and China.

    "Mount Everest is the point of highest elevation on Earth, measured by the height of its summit above sea level. Its summit ridge marks the border between Nepal and China."  (quote taken from wikipedia on mount everest)

    So yes, Mount Everest is half in Nepal.  ;)

  3. Your friends are right Mt Everest is in Nepal.  It is a small country at the very north (top of) India.

  4. Nepal is the only Hindu Himalayan nation of the World which is a  landlocked country sandwitched between India to its West, South and East and China {Tibet} to the North in the Asian Sub-continent. Yes you are right the Great Himalayan Range runs through the country and the Southern route to the Mount Evetest is from Nepal.

  5. Nepal, a sovereign Independent Kingdom, lies between 80 degree 12' east longitude and 26 degree 22' and 30 degree 27' north latitude. It is bounded on the north by the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China; on the east by Sikkim and West Bengal of the Indian Union on the south by Indian States of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh and on the west by Uttar Pradesh of Indian Union. The length of the Kingdom is 885 kilometers east-west and its breath varies from 145 to 241 kilometers north-south. Climatically, it lies in the temperate zone with the added advantage of altitude.

    NEPAL is a tiny but truly one of the most wonderful countries in the world. Although Nepal occupies only 0.1% of the earth, it shelters:

    4% of mammals on earth; 8% of the world's population of birds, i.e. more than 850 species; 11% of the world's 15 families of butterflies, i.e. more than 600 species;600 indigenous plant families; 319 species of exotic orchids; More than 600 rivers and,

    Indeed, out of TEN world's tallest mountains, EIGHT stands in Nepal Including World highest Mountain: MOUNT EVEREST - 8850M (recent measures), making Nepal a mountaineer's dream. Out of thirty-one snow-topped mountain peaks over 7600 meters, TWEENTY-TWO lie in Nepal! Astonishing! And while you marvel at these facts, there are so many exciting and interesting things waiting for you in Nepal:

    A small country with an area of approximately 52,818 sq miles is diverse geographically as well as ethnically with more than 61 ethnic groups and 70 spoken languages. You will find rich cultures and vibrant traditions, exquisite temples (12 World Heritage Sites, including birth place of LORD BUDDHA) and monuments as well as fast flowing Himalayan Rivers and tropical jungles teeming with wildlife, it is the only Hindu Kingdom in the world. However, all the people from different races and religions live in harmony and there is an ideal blending of Hinduism and Buddhism.

    It is declared that Everest Base camp trekking is one of the worlds top 10 travel destination must have to visit before die.

  6. It is a small country lying between two Giants ,India to the south and , China to the north.Yes ,not only Mt. Everest, bot also other mountains more than 8000m high is here.Mt. Everest is worlds highest mountain and also Kanchanjunga is here.Besides ,other numerous mountains are here.Nepal is called kingdom of mountain.If you want to know more then contact me by email.I will help you as much as I can.

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