
Where is obama going to get the money to fund all his promises?

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Do government people make any money outside from what they take from the working people? If they don't have money unless we give them. So rising taxes is inevitable Obama said he will need billions of dollars to fund his projects. one of them is to hire more government people as if we didn't have enough. Vote for tax cuts, And say NO to tax INCREASE, SAY No to OBAMA.




  1. yeah because our 200 year old debt isn't bad enough, lets vote McCain in and make it worse! With as much as I hate what our economy has come to we just have to deal with it! We can't run from the situation. Vote Obama, lets take care of business today so our children can have further advantages.

  2. That's right it will be coming directly from your pocket. Obama believes that we should pay more to provide more for those who do not desire to work for their own money.

  3. And what money do you think McCain would use to finance his agenda... That money will be yours and mine ,bunky. and wars are expensive .  If McCain gets a chance to reinstate the draft as he said last thursday in New Mexico ...Our sons will also pay for McCains policies with their lives .

       Say no to war, Say yes to Obama and h**l NO to McCain.

  4. today's promises are yesterdays wind.You know we will be living in a communist nation if obama wins and institutes his programs.

  5. out of your paycheck

    and its all going to Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe

    and all the other African dictators          

    bout time to get a second job....................................

  6. Raising taxes is inevitable because we are spending billions in Iraq.  I ask you, where is the money coming from to pay for this war?  Regardless of who wins in November, taxes will be increased to pay for this war.  Maybe that is why McCain backed off his 'no new taxes' pledge.

  7. It depends on how you define working people.  Most of the federal taxes  other than payroll tax is paid by people in the top 20%  and over a thrid by the top one percent  who make the majority  of their income from investments. Rising the capital gains tax  may cost me as much as $100 a year and  there is no other change that effect me. Have you  actually look at how much Obama's tax plan will cost you or are you just  repeating something you read.

  8. How about you do your research before asking a question aimed at spreading rumors rather than posing an actual questions. Both candidates tax plans are available here:

    Read the whole thing if you would like. Scroll to the bottom to the graphs. You will find out where both of them propose our money goes.

    Research before spreading hate.  

  9. From you and me the Taxpayer.  He will tax everything that isn't nailed down.....ok, some things will be nailed down.

    With Obama, get ready to see inflation like you have never seen it before!  Since he is a promoter of unions and the union democrats are all about to pass the "Employee Free Choice Act" (if a Dem gets elected), discount stores will no longer be "discount" and even more U.S. jobs will go overseas because other big and small companies are already taxed beyond what they can make a profit at and having a law that lets employees tell the OWNER of companies, they are unionizing, will be the last straw that broke their back.  

    Unions have been anti-corporation from the beginning of time (remember the union thugs extorting money from even the smallest businesses).

    Republicans - Free Enterprise and Individualism

    Democrats - Unionization = Socialism = (BIG BROTHER)  

    The liberals try to turn this fact around by saying "Big Corporations", now you know why they do this.

  10. why, from the evil corporations of course!  how dare they make money!

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