
Where is open early for snowboarding in Oct Nov or Dec?

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My friends and I can hardly wait till next year to go boarding can anyone tell us where they have snow in possibly October early November. Thanks for your time




  1. minesota mountains are not the best though vermont usually opens earlie or places like lake tahoe or park city if you dont mind leaving the us them whistler in canada, chilie or hemsidale norway are all good

  2. if you really cant wait you can go boarding right now in new england; sunday river and sugarloaf will be open until first week of may

  3. Typical late season in Chile or NZ, early season in Whistler /Blackcomb, also Timberline in Oregon.

  4. Whistler Glaciers. they have snow almost all year long and they have the best park up there.  CAMP OF CHAMPIONS. if you can cough up around 1 or two grand though. They still have nice places for you to snowboard though so you dont need to go to COC and you'll still have a good time.

  5. All depends on the  weather YO!!!  PRAY for early snow, and also pray that we have a long long winter,  I cant Wait for next season>>>..   WAit till you guys see the 2009 gear that is comming out. it so steezy..

  6. In Minnesota some places open around thanksgiving

  7. Mt. hood, Oregon i think is open all year and is cheaper than going south of the equator.

    hatcher pass in AK has snow sometimes in october but you need 2 people one to drive the car to meet the rider at the bottom to take you back to the top. plus there are avalanches at hatcher pass that kill riders every year.

    on the safer side alyeska in AK usually opens in December. if you have money i suppose heli-ski or going to south of the equator is an option

  8. where are you? usually the ones in wisconcen open up mid to late november by me... and i usually dont go out west until the snow gets good in december

  9. Timberline in Oregon is open all year, and Gov Camp in the summer is a lot of fun.

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