
Where is our conscience produced? (Non religious answer please)?

by Guest44991  |  earlier

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Where is our conscience produced? (Non religious answer please)?




  1. I agree to a certain extent with the previous answer but conscious thought and personality are controlled by the cerebrum of the brain. Despite influence of parents/peers we ultimately make our own decisions.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Frontal lobes of our brains - these are where higher-order thinking occurs including self-awareness and forming opinions of right and wrong,emotions, identity, etc.

    The rest of the brain is responsible memory, interpreting our five senses, and controlling voluntary and involuntary body functions.

    Hope that helps.

  3. Our conscience is an abstract, intangible entity.  It is not produced, but the thoughts that accompany it are produced by the frontal lobe.

  4. Cricket's, didn't you watch Pinochio. The blue fairy appointed him. (You asked for a non religious answer, My religion is the search for truth, therefor my answer had to be untrue.)

  5. obviouisly you mean what part of the brain?

    i think a mixture of memorys and personality (they might be the same thing) find out where they are.

  6. Define what u mean by conscience... specifically what do u mean? If u mean just the basic awareness, i think the moment sperm and egg mix and a new cell is formed.

    Im probably wrong

  7. At home through what your parents teach you!

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