
Where is our low sulfur/ clean diesel fuel, and why don't we hear more about it?

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For years I have been hearing about how "low sulfur diesel is coming to the U.S. My question is "why isn't it already here"? Why has Europe had it for years, but it's barely talked about in the states? We hear politicians talking about alternative energies, mass funding for fuel efficient vehicles -yada yada-blah blah blah. Mini Cooper puts a vehicle that gets 63 mpg TODAY, yet we are denied these kinds of vehicles because the fuel needed is simply not available here. I've never been one to say "black helicopters" and such, but what's the real issue here?




  1. We've had ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) in the US for quite a while now.  Next time you're at a gas station go over to the diesel pump - it will have a label saying it's got ULSD.

    However, we still don't have many diesels in the US because of their other emissions - not sulfur, but NOx and particulates.  Now they've solved those problems, and we're going to start seeing clean diesels come to the US soon.  See link below.

  2. Here in Oregon, we were required to convert to ultra low sulfur diesel 2 years ago.

    the only problem with it was that the older diesel engines would get their injectors fouled, and now have to add a supplement to clean the injector every so often.

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