
Where is philip sandee from?

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  1. Guest60003

     Hi Folks,

    I live in Virginia and bought an oil by him 4 years ago in Frederick, MD. It’s a countryside scenery. It seems to be painted early 80s... 






  2. Guest58999




     phillip sandee was born in indiana in 1904-1996 lived in florida,california, massachussetts


  3. Guest55702
    try this link Greetings from Sweden

  4. I live in Belgium, i have a Philip Sandee oil painting (120 cm X 60 cm). I bought it this week.


  5.  I have a Philip Sandee painting is dark blue background, light shining through clouds, two seagulls, boat drawn up on sand dune...Our daughter bought it for me from a starving artist sale 25 or more years ago in Cobourg, Ontario, Canada.  I do not know how much she paid for it but it is in excellent condition.....He must have really travelled if he was in all the places mentioned in others messages.  Information on him seems to be limited.  .   

  6. larryawood

     I bought a Philip Sandee painting in 1978 in Provincetown, MA. I found it in a starving artists gallery. I was told it had been painted by an artist that was working on the dunes in Provincetown. That is the only thing that I know about this artist.

  7.  I have a Philip Sandee painting that I bought in Provincetown, MA in 1978. It is a seascape depicting a sand dune and sea gulls. I have always liked the painting and found it in a starving artists gallery. I was told that he was painting while working in the sand dunes around PTown.

  8. I also have a painting of a boat in a grass dune, with fence posts and flying seagulls. The painting is landscape, but with an oval centrepiece where the grass in the dune cascades over the bottom part of the oval.

    Another picture I have is portrait, with a girl in a long white dress among flowers carrying a parasol, also with flying seagulls in the centre and large bullrush-type grass to the left.

    I wish I could upload some photos I have taken of these. Does anybody know how to upload photos in this page?


  9. I started collecting beach paintings in 1981 during my travels with the US Navy and almost always directly from the artists while they were working on a piece. I spent a week in Perth and at Rottnest Island at the end of Spring '84 or '85. Mine is a small one, a boat in a grass dune -like on Rottnest and I paid more to have it framed by a nice little old man in Yokosuka Japan.  My kids are grown & gone and I just had a huge downsizing - his is one of only three I kept.

  10. I have a large Mountain scene painted by Philip Sandee.I started trying to find out more on him about 3 years ago and was told that he was from the Great Lakes area.



  11. So, his paintings are in New York now? I instigated this quest a fair while ago and it's heartening that I'm not the only one interested in the origin and whereabouts of Philip Sandee. The more people who ask questions and contribute to this, the sooner the puzzle will be solved. Recapping, I purchased two of his paintings in Prospect, Adelaide, South Australia about 27 years ago, if my memory serves me correctly. Since then his works have popped up in the lakes area of England (?), Oldham and New York - so, his stuff certainly gets around. I look forward to the next posting for more info.


  12. very funny....have a painting purchased 10 years ago...heard from someone that he sold his painting on Artist on the Lane in Bellport NY...every summer...trying to find out about him myself.

  13. who is philip sandee?

  14. Bargain at 99p - but where is he from? - this is what I wanna know!

  15. I bought a Philip Sandee painting on ebay for 99p so I don't think his work is worth very much. Ann

  16. Well, I'm totally confused now!

  17. I bought an oil painting by Sandee in Oldham, UK in 1982 & was told he was a local artist!!!!

  18. I live in Adelaide, South Australia. I bought two small oils by him in 1983 from an art dealer in Prospect (now closed), a suburb near Adelaide, and was told he was a LOCAL artist; therefore, not from the great lakes area. That's all I know about him.

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